well played?
Posted by Betman
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Low Stakes
well played?
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (9 Players)
BN: $31.64
SB: $69.26 (Hero)
BB: $55.31
UTG: $35.21
UTG+1: $16.35
MP: $25.35
MP+1: $37.63
MP+2: $23.79
CO: $38.88
SB: $69.26 (Hero)
BB: $55.31
UTG: $35.21
UTG+1: $16.35
MP: $25.35
MP+1: $37.63
MP+2: $23.79
CO: $38.88
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
SB wins $21.25
Rake is $1.00
Rake is $1.00
Villain's fold to 3bet: 4/5 (100 hands)
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QTo is too wide of a 3bet, you should be getting run over by 4bets and 100 hands is not enough to make a correct decision to 3bet that much.
I don't mind the flop or the turn raise, but since your hand is so nutted you should probably be ok checking calling turn and check jamming river with QT, sets. It really depends how you play KcJc, AcKc in those boards tho.
Preflop looks very bad to me. Postflop looks very inconsistent with preflop in that the only way I could imagine you justifying 3betting QTo is if you think he folds almost everything pre but then you play the flop like you think TPNK is a valuebet and play the turn like you think he has a lot of floats.
As the guys said - 3b looks bad (unless CO is opening super wide and folds to 3b a ton - and why should we assume that).
I'd XC the flop. As played, I'd just keep betting - we have plenty of draws that we want to double barrel, so this hand needs to be in that range as well.
preflop is to loose imo. As played I x/c flop, and once you bet flop i'm just bet bet jamming.
Not being result oriented, QTo doesn't play that well in a 3bet pot oop. QTs would have a lot more playability.
As played bet all three streets probably works better. Villain may call down with top pair and pay off more often.
I would bet/bet/jam or x/c turn & river.
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