Weird river x/r limped pot vs regular.
Posted by Paid_To_Laid
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Low Stakes
Weird river x/r limped pot vs regular.
BB: $103.00 (Hero)
CO: $162.54
BN: $100.00
Villian is 26/20/8, he has limp folded 2/2 times previously. He also has attempted to steal blind vs blind 45/120 opportunities. He generally didn't seem to be pretty aggressive, actually pretty solid.
my assumption of his limping range here is something like the following, but i really have no clue, i haden't seen him limp much before.
I should get here preflop with the bottom 60% of hands or so.
Logically given his line, he certainly will have 4x at a reasonable frequency, but to be honest as far as Jx, those might not raise as large, and if they do raise that large (unlikely), there are just not that many Jx hands that can get limped here preflop, check/called flop and turn and checkraise river. It's a pretty bizarre line. I mean for bluffs, his perception of my range is going to be any two random cards which make sense, and lots of gutters and flushdraws and shit. On the river I think a lot of the ace highs that get here are much more insentaviesed to call or fold as opposed to raising. Some of his King highs as well. The only Jx that he can get here with are like QJ that think I am bluffing too often on flop and turn and that actually limp pre. The more and more I think about it the weirder I think the hand is. Some of those hands may realize that I'm just going to have an 8 here a lot and the ace high hands just try to bluff raise me off of 8x, because it looks like I don't have Jx. Some of his 4x will donk flop, or checkraise.
I know it is a close spot regardless. In my eyes I just feel people are under bluffing this situation and they are going to show up with too much 4x in their unballenced limping range. If you are in Villians shoes, are you going to ever turn Ax into a bluff here? How should we approach it. In my eyes maybe I turn turn ace high into a bluff just because im a spazz but I'm really only representing 4x. hmmm.
I ran this in pio and it wants us to bet flop and check turn here most of the time with our hand, also if we do bet turn it says we should just check river. I'm sort of surprised about that, but I didn't really node lock it for what I think the play pool is going to end up doing.
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