Weird hand played at 100NL

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Weird hand played at 100NL

6max Bovada- no reads

100bb effective stacks - I'm OTB with A9o

UTG limps folded to me- i make it 4.5 BB, SB calls and limper calls.

Flop comes A78dd (i have no diamond)

SB donk leads for 10xBB ($10) into $14 pot- UTG folds i call.

Turn  is Ko

SB donk leads again for $20 into $34 pot, hero calls?

River is Qo- SB shoves, Hero? What's a donking range for flop/turn/river here, would like to know then I will post results.


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sweet16 10 years, 6 months ago

Assuming villain is a recreational player (after all he limped utg and donkbet 3 streets) he could litterally have anything. I think calling turn is fine, but river is where I give up. Just fold, you will have better hands here for sure and you don't have to call A9.

DoUtDes 10 years, 6 months ago

He didn't tell anything about SB (recreational was UTG).
Seems like a clear fold vs a reg who donkbet 3 streets vs an UTG limpers (who never folds Ax over 3 streets), plus you have plenty of strogest hands on this texture (so the likelyhood he would bluff is lower)
Folding turn or river depends on villan? i'm not sure

sweet16 10 years, 6 months ago

Oh my bad. I didn't notice it was 3 way. I thought UTG lead and SB folded.. Even more of a fold then, might even find a fold on the turn. I rarely expect villain to bluff with this line.

GGWTD 10 years, 6 months ago

To nitty to just fold flop here? With no diamond and facing pots from fish i just let it go. We really cant call down on these boards profitably. And when fish pot bet they generally have it 

TheArchivist 10 years, 6 months ago

everyone agrees with a fold? ok i def. became a hero on the river. i really thought missed draws were in his range but maybe im overestimating how often he has those.

Anyways i tank called river and villain showed AQo ftw.

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