Weak 2p River decision 3bp
Posted by Deepsquat
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Low Stakes
Weak 2p River decision 3bp
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $25.78
SB: $25.10
BB: $42.67 (Hero)
UTG: $56.50
MP: $51.90
CO: $32.01
SB: $25.10
BB: $42.67 (Hero)
UTG: $56.50
MP: $51.90
CO: $32.01
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
BN wins $15.81
Rake is $0.75
Rake is $0.75
Im an NL noob.
Only played 15 hands with villain.
Happy to discuss pf too.
I feel betting the river is bad as soon as I did it.
I felt I could get value from AQ, QJ, KQdd, possibly AT although I block some Tx combos.
Im really not sure what he plays this way and my hand looks like over pair or some Qx hand....
What sort of things should I be considering in this spot?
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I'd rather call preflop, I don't see how 3betting > calling versus an unknown.
Postflop well played, but I would call the raise on the river. The raise is quite small and villains line doesn't make much sense with many valuehands. You don't have to win very often for it to be a good call.
Thanks for the reply.
Sounds good regarding pre flop, good point.
The more I think about the hand, more i hate the riv fold. He prob assumes my range is capped at 1 pair/overpair
I agree, no value hands played this way I guess, maybe some Kxs Axs
And probably OPP would just raise it OTF, so def call
Also not so many hands hit this board actually.
I think the call depends on your turn checking ranges.
Preflop: If we defend 40% on the BB then the weakest next hand we can be 3-bet bluffing is Q3s or K5o. Both being better as bluffs because of a higher blocker. It takes 43.7% defend range from the BB before you get to T6s. So the 3-bet depends on your preflop BB defend vs a BTN open. If you defend less than 43.7% then 3-betting T6s seems like a mistake.
Flop: Cbet is fine. Could include this in a check call range if you desire to but our hand is rather weak.
Turn: Could cbet here to get called by Ahx but puts us in a though spot on the river. I assume you checked to check call here? Or was it a check fold? We also have more AhX in our range but there's no need to change our hand into a bluff here. But check calling makes it a bluff catcher. Seems like an anoying spot to be put in here.
River: Bet for value seems fine. It depends on how you range him though. If you think he has more AhX he changes into a bluff + his thin value hands vs a hand with showdown. Given it's a 3-bet pot I think he has more hands with showdown to get value from so valuebet is ok.
And then we get jammed on... .
In theory we need to defend 48.21% of our river range here. And I'm not sure what we show up with here. Overpairs, flushes, sets, 2 pair, Qx, AhX bluffs? To me two pair is likely to be below the 50% of our range but can't calculate here.
Pure feel wise he can do this with AhX and realise you can't call without a flush. Both the Qh and Th being on board and him having Ah means you have very few flushes (KJhh?) and he has a sick bluff spot. But 25NL players don't think that far often enough to go into that leveling depth. I'd just fold given we do not beat any of his value range and his bluffs are thin.
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