Was this really bad play? QQ live 1/1 cash
Posted by hkabir200291
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Low Stakes
Was this really bad play? QQ live 1/1 cash
Hero and fish both have around £200 behind. Folded around to fish on button who makes it £3 on button. Small blind folds hero in bb raises to £13 with qq. Flop kc 7s 2s. Hero checks, villian bets 12 hero calls. Turn 3h. Hero checks villian bets 12 again and hero calls. River 9s. Hero leads out for £10. Villian calls and wins showing k7. I feel like i could have played this hand much better and saved myself at least 10 pounds by check folding river. What do you guys think how could i play this better/ differently.
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You are the only one to answer this question - with the given information.
First of all, I'd suggest to not name your opponent a fish - but give him attributes: "a weak player that is too passive preflop, overvalues high cards, does not like to fold but does not bluff often (enough)". Something that way would make it possible to give a meaningful answer.
Preflop: I don't know your preflop range but I guess you 3bet TT+, AJ+, KQ and KJs. When you are playing against a fish I wouldn't have a polarized range with many bluffs (because you have less fold equity against his wide flatting range so I would add the top of my calling range to my 3betting range (additionally: ATo, A9s, A8s and some broadways).
Postflop: Flop = clear call, Turn = call should be okay, fold would be also okay against a passive fish(because the the bet is compared to the board relative small)
River: Why are you leading this river? (You didn’t improved and you want get value from worse hands) In my opinion a clear fold (when the fishes bets on the river). We have so many better pairs KX and also some flushes etc. in our range.
The lead on the river shows a fairly strong lack of understanding of the game and why you bet.
But by posting this hand it seems that you are onto that so !. Good job. The first step is figuring out where the mistakes and inconsistent thought patterns lie. The next step is doing something about it.
Also how do you suggest i played the hand. I understand river is clearly a check. However was i right in check calling first two streets? I understand flop i will always check call as villian can have lots of worser hands in his range? Do we check call again on turn or fold? Once villian bets turn we can taker worser pair type hands out of his checking range on turn, hands like sevens for example wouod check back at a high frequency. So the small bet on the turn suggests he has a weak K or a flush draw and a small percentage of the time value hands like two pair. I think i should have check folded turn. We also had the q spades in out hand so that takes a lot of his flush draw combos out of his range and his range is kx heavy. Well thats my thought process now having thought about the hand. What do you think about this line?
In this hand i realised my mistake. Its one of those things where i know why it was bad but it was like a frustrated blocker bet. Simply put in that spot worser hands are only folding and better hands calling. I just had to post my hand here so i can be reminded by RIO lol and also get diciplined by other better players to stop making rookie mistakes.
Why not bet flop? You raised pre. If he has worse hand you want more money in thet pot. If he has stronger you dont want him to know that. Do you only bet when it hit's your hand? Or don't you cbet? Do you hope that he will bluff this flop pretending to have a K? Why wouldnt he have a K? VIllain clearly understood you had a weak hand and bet small to milk you for some value. If you had bet the flop he might even have raised saving you lots of money. Only thing I'm surprised is he didnt raise you small on the river. Your betsizing pretty much screams please let me see a cheap showdown (Unless you are being really tricky). I think even all in would have been better EV
But when you check every time he might also think you have nothing or low pocket pair, so he might double or tripple barrel with nothing too, just cause he know your hand are weak
Anway I would fold turn depending on player type. I think this one is pretty tight
I checked qq here because i also check ak sometimes in this spot
In my experience AK should always be bet here for value if you are preflop raiser. Fish will call with all sorts of cards. Also villain often takes a while to adjust to 'you sometimes have TPTK 'and check i think. I'm guessing the 1/1 is pretty soft? But maybe he was bluffing alot or you had some other read on him I. don't have the answer book
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