Was I being a station?
Posted by Jonisaverage
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Low Stakes
Was I being a station?
SB: $10.61
BB: $4.64
UTG: $10.47
MP: $9.53
CO: $10.05 (Hero)
This hand has bothered me for a few days. I think pre and flop are pretty standard...happy to hear otherwise? I don't like 3 betting TT against an early position raise, but maybe I should sometimes?
I couldn't fold the flop to the sizing and texture I don't reckon and the turn pricing was good too and I was a little suspicious maybe of the small sizing. I sort of knew the shove was coming on the river and I felt like it was a good board for villain to shove as it was dry and I was pretty hard pressed to have a 3 (could have some A3s) and he has lots some AQ in his range and of course QQ+ too.
I don't how best to analyse these spots. We had no history together, so my rudimentary look was to assume he 3 bets around 5% of hands and see how my hand does against that range. In that context I'm priced in each time I believe - although this is pretty unscientific as I have no idea if he does 3 bet at that level and even then what his range would be made of.
Part of my call down was that I was thinking if I was in vilain's shoes and I'd missed on that board, I'd reckon I could get someone off a mid pair/underpair with 3 barrels whilst knowing I probably had some cleans outs particularly with a hand like AK. Also, if I was villian and had AQ, KK or AA, I'd have sized up a bit and with AQ I'd be a tempted to check on the river (maybe the wrong play?).
Interested in peoples thoughts on the hand but also how to make my analysis more useful.
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What's the worst hand you get to the river with? I think this would be near the bottom.
Turn is close but river is a clear fold for me. Checking river with AQ in villain's spot is a mistake as you so rarely have a better hand that it's effectively the nuts.
Whether or not to 3bet TT depends on the villain, if he's tight I'd flat, against plenty of loose people raising can be good too.
I think his turn bet size on this board is totally standard and good. Once this turn comes down it's basically a 2 street nuts/bluffcatch game so he doesn't want to bet too big on the turn as this reduces his optimal river bluff frequency. This size sets up a 1/2 pot river jam.
Yeah cool, I felt like it was tilty/non-believery. There weren't really any draws so he had a Q or better or air basically.
Couple of points in the hand that I think make this a close decision on the turn and then a clear river fold. Number 1 is that SB is squeezing vs MP raise and CO call which is gonna make his range stronger than if it was say SB v BTN open. This means they're going to have more overpairs, AK/AQ hands compared to hands like A3s and 87s.
Number 2 is that villains at this stake level are underbluffing when betting 3 streets like this. Of course this is a bit assumptive but unless you have a clear read on the villain that says they're going to be barrelling off turns and rivers often with air/missed draws then it's a pretty good assumption to make as a default.
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