villian donk raise jam
Posted by zerocool
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Mid Stakes
villian donk raise jam
when villian donk OTF, i put him on K9-AK, some fd or tp+fd.
but when he jam big on me, what range will you put him on ?
or passive fish won't jam without 2p+?
should i fold here?
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Limp call pre player. They generally don’t like folding when they have a piece. They could overplay their hand but they do have sets and more 2 pair than we would be used to.
I’m still calling because we don’t block flushdraws and have outs against 2 pair. But I’m not liking it. If they have Kx they generally just call our raise and call down, not jam.
Iso bigger pre. As played not folding flop vs shove
I do think the Donk/rejam is super strong here, but I’m going with AA here. He could for sure overplay some AK or combo draws which will give ya enough equity to play. Maybe could fold vs very specific players or with a weaker hand. Like KQ id fold here, AK gets interesting. AA with a spade is interesting too
Can you please elaborate on AK and AAs?
Is it still a call?
Im stacking with AA. AK with no spade in hand im stacking with. AK with a spade I would have to make a decision based on metagame/population tendencies/what I have observed so far. Don't think folding AK w a spade is necessarily wrong.
doesn't make sense for KQ to play this way. AK prob gets raised pre at least some of the time. So blocking As is kinda rough because that seems like the most likely bluff candidate from him
This is not a happy spot but you are at the top of your range and unblock the A of spades, giving him the possibility of jamming with the nut FD. Against an unknown I believe you just have to call. He could have any FD, 54, 54 of spades, gutshot flush draw, etc. From my experience playing just 6 max, regs do not donk bet at all and when someone donk bets they very rarely have the nuts.
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