Villain 3-betting too much; counter strategy
Posted by dmcmulle
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Mid Stakes
Villain 3-betting too much; counter strategy
Apologies if this question doesn't belong here, but I SWEAR I was watching a Sulsky play and explain (500z) where he counters a villain who is 3betting way too much (think 15%+) by 4-bet shoving his lower (88-22) pocket pairs. He does this once or twice and explains his thought process by saying that he (villain) doesn't have enough 3bets that can defend against this which is why it works so well.
Does anyone else remember this video/clip and mind sharing the link if so?
It's possible, too, I am batshit crazy, and this doesn't exist. Apologies for that if so, too!
Thanks in advance!
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I guess the thought behind this move is that we force villain to fold a lot of equity that would have called a smaller 4bet (AJs or QTs) stuff.
Ppl tend to 3 bet linear mostly and so these small PPs dont block anything of their 3B/F range (like weak broadways or weaker suited Ax).
But i cant help with a link, sorry
RaoulFlush is right. It's about equity denial. The bluffs will have a lot of equity, often flipping. On top of that you'll have to play postflop with a lower pocket pair OOP.
If you look at preflop solutions you'll notice that they are 4betting these lower pockets at some frequency. That frequency goes up as your opponent is 3betting wider and wider.
I've made some calculations... I know the calculation is BTNvBB and should be some other pos vs pos, shoud've done OOP, I don't know why it's this one I did... not gonna change the outcome drastically... not in a godd way anyway. Hoping I didn't mess up anywhere:
88 is 31.8%, 22 is 28.9% equity. It seems to me this would be negative EV, except if villain 3bets more than 20% or something. Even then it's like eh, sort of breakevenish. What do you guys think?
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