Variance discussion

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Variance discussion

I'm just a bit frustrated at this point, I'm down a few buy-ins in micros and I feel like I'm just giving away money. Every time I value bet, my opponents fold regardless of size and every time I bluff, they call with 3rd or 4th pair. So I adjust and just don't bluff as much, but that leads to more calling and folding. So to adjust from that I play a tighter range and that leads more to just straight up folding for 3 orbits straight. Is this variance just hitting me or is there something else I need to be considering here? It's not like this every time, sometimes it's much more reasonable. I fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, raise pre with 88, flop comes AQ6cch, opponent donks for pot, I fold. I just don't see where the point comes where I win. I understand that there's a decent amount of variance here, people aren't always just going to bet pot but it seems like every time they do, it's on a flop that I haven't even touched. Any thoughts or advice?

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