Utg vs co flop cbet?
Posted by zorgar
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Low Stakes
Utg vs co flop cbet?
SB: baratruemov: $61.46
BB: tomdurr96: $25.74
UTG: abuserkid: $28.41 (Hero)
MP: metsakas: $25.00
CO: mgrishko88: $25.95
I was going through my hands today and was wondering especially about this hand. My general strategy is to bet a high boards quite a lot in these kinds of spots (villain is unknown reg), because i should have a range advantage.
Then i checked out some, what i thought would be reasonable ranges (pfr: 44+,ATs+,A2s-A5s,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,T9s,98s,87s,AJo+,KQo; caller: 33-JJ,AJs+,A4s-A5s,KQs,JTs,T9s,98s,AJo-AQo) and saw that the pfr is the underdog here (48,7% -51,74%). So i was wondering if any of my ranges are totally off, or if this is supposed to be expected.
The utg opening range is really not that wide (about 14%), so i probably must be having the callers range wrong. Can someone tell me where my estimations are incorrect and how the calling range should look like?
Edit: As an afterthought i think a small river raise is a much better option.
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I think you played to hand fine. Turn x/raise is possible, river x/raise would be devastating if you run into flush, yet your hand is too strong to x/fold here. I dont think c-betting flop is better, as you usually have to x/decide weven on blank turns once called and dont give villain an opportunity to stab with air IP.
Okay thanks, what do you think about villains coldcalling range? Do you agree that the pfr does not have any real equity advantage on this board (and only a set of aces which villain doesnt have)?
The equity advantage is overrated just because yoou are the PFR is not given. Your perceived range isnt even that much stronger if your opponent believes you to only vbet ax * for value.
I'd love to know what he had here. I figure anything two pair+ bets heavier OTT. I'm guessing probably flush draw or straight draw. Possible he had a set of 33 or 77. But again I figure anything 2 pair or better bets heavier OTT.
What did he have?
He had a random 55
I see. So he was restarted
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