UTG open range

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UTG open range

what else we can add? 10.56%


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peter89 9 years, 3 months ago

I saw a lot of ppls open 17-20% from UTG . how profitable it is ? depends on skill ?

Limp Limpson 9 years, 3 months ago

Yep skill dependent.

I think that nl50 zoom is tough enough that you cantget away with opening only 10% without being exploited on certain flops (that you will almost never hit).

Increasing rfi to 15% and adding hands that improve your board coverage seems prudent/smart, you dont have to go as wide as 20(which I think is too wide)

peter89 9 years, 3 months ago

Found one guy , have 3k hands on him , maybe upswing but not sure . he have 33bb/100 for 3khands. but the weird thing he have 43 WWSF LOL

Also another guy who won for 4k hands . ands wwfs 52 . saw him on 200 zoom and 100 too .

Killian757 9 years, 3 months ago

The top guy is probably playing a higher variance style so it is probably just a good run of a small sample size. lol But its not a bad strategy if he can get away with it. He is playing a ton of hands in position (CO/Btn) and playing them as the PFR. Not much flatting.

The second guys opening frequencies seem to be more on par with what a lot of regs are doing from what I've seen.

Pokerlogical 9 years, 3 months ago

I think you can play any suited Ace in 6max but at a tough table you probably can't play 55 profitably. 66 is really close as well and should probably be folded at a tough table.

You can definately play JTs QTs and KTs because they flop decent toppairs and you flop a draw from time to time or maybe a backdoordraw.

For offsuited you can definately add ATo AJo and KJo. People found out that ATo is profitable open and AJo definately is. KJo is tricky but playable I think. The fear of playing KJo is that you flop a toppair and someone else has something better but because most people 3bet QQ+,AKs,AKo vs UTG they can only get a better Toppair with AJo,AJs,KQs because KQo u can't really flat vs UTG profitably.

Most of the time if you flop toppair with KJ u are good and can valubet the Flop at least.

Source: My Coach

Killian757 9 years, 3 months ago

Like others have said, all suited broadways are an open. AJ and probably AT are opens. KJ is close. I've seen good mid/high stakes players open KJ/QJ/JT offsuit. But that also has to do with their skill level and they are using smaller opening sizes. With a 3x open and rake being higher those hands become hard to profit/breakeven.

I like having suited connectors down to 87/76 for board coverage. You don't have to open them with 100% frequency but its good to have so you don't get exploited on 7/8/9 high boards.

I open all suited aces. Only adds 2.4 VPIP or 1.2 VPIP if you're already opening the baby suited aces. Also helps with board coverage.

22-66 are not profitable in most games. When you don't flop a set they become hard to play out of position. It becomes a guessing game when you start bluffing. And when you do flop a set you're not getting stacks in as frequently as before. Players are getting better.

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