UTG insta shove vs JJ OTB
Posted by Por7usCale
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Low Stakes
UTG insta shove vs JJ OTB
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.00 (Hero)
SB: $6.87
BB: $14.96
UTG: $4.28
MP: $13.10
CO: $2.41
SB: $6.87
BB: $14.96
UTG: $4.28
MP: $13.10
CO: $2.41
Hero is BN with
No reads. I believe Villain was playing no more than 2 tables.
Final Pot
UTG wins $0.12
What calling range do you have on these spots ?
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JJ+,AK i think
TT+, AK, AQs which might be a spew.
factors to consider that widen our calling range: villain playing on a cell phone, villain not hiding number of tables he plays
As I have been running quite bad lately I decided to fold this hand. I believe that at this particular moment, I opted to fold because if I lost another hand I would start loosening up for the rest of the day. It was close though !
That was the only info I got at the time: The fact that his name wasnt hidden and that he had less than 100bb.
If this is a regular table, I can get away of JJ, but would call QQ+, AK. For me to call JJ here I should see villain go open allin second time in a few hands.
We are flipping 55/45 vs 8% range AA-88,AKo-AJo,KQo,AKs-AJs,KQs.
I wasnt willing to do flips at the time haha.
Those percentages are really useful ingame. Got to practice that area a bit more !!
I'm not folding JJ here.
Thanks for all your 2 cents !
I will fold here if I have no history of UTG.I will always call shove with KK/AA pre flop but not JJ+/AK+.First,most player in low stakes shove pre flop with QQ+/AK+,I don't have good odd to call .Second,I dont like gamble, shove with QQ you win a little less than 50%(about 47%)
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