Using 1/3 pot sizing live is failing me...villains spazz, hard for hero to continue...

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Using 1/3 pot sizing live is failing me...villains spazz, hard for hero to continue...

Hello, I play a lot of live 2/5 and in my spare time I grind a lot of piosolver and watch RIO vids, etc. I've been trying to implement the small (1/3) sizing along with having a larger sizing (2/3) in many different spots. Pio obviously likes to have a higher frequency, wider, 1/3 range and a more polar lower frequency 2/3 range. In response, the villain is supposed to respond by increasing their raise freq over the 1/3 more than they would over the 2/3. Since I'm using 2 sizings in these spots, my 1/3 range is somewhat capped as the strongest hands will usually be used in the larger sizing. In live games, the regs (and even the fish) are so used to the "bet size indicates strength" mentality that they will just snap raise the smaller sizing at a super high frequency and thus they have spazzed into the appropriate exploit against my strategy. My question is: Should I continue to try to implement this smaller sizing into my game when it seems that it induces the appropriate exploit from villains? If so, I don't think the GTO answer could be to include more stronger hands into this sizing to protect the range, it would seem that I need to study up on how to appropriately continue after facing spazz raises in these spots right?


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Tcallas 7 years, 7 months ago

If they are spazzing on your 1/3 pot size then for sure add all your strong hands to that range. Even if they are not spazzing, betting your entire range 1/3 is good in a lot of spots. Honestly if your playing live poker, no need to worry about balancing multiple bet sizes.

mfutoma 7 years, 7 months ago

Sounds like you could exploit them by betting 1/3 with your strong hands and bluffing more with 1/2 pot. Or just switch to a single sizing and lower your cbet frequency.

tr33f1ddy 7 years, 7 months ago

Honestly if your playing live poker, no need to worry about balancing
multiple bet sizes.

I agree.

I was a member of Crush Live Poker for about 7 months and watched a lot of their vids. I also watch a lot of Live At The Bike and some Stones Live. I occassionally play live 1/2 and 1/3 but I'm not in a big live poker area so I don't have a lot to choose from without a lot of driving.

Everyone seams to think you should play mostly a value game up to 2/5 (exploitive, not GTO), and you don't need to worry about GTO strategy until you get to 5/10. This doesn't mean there aren't good aware players up to 2/5, but most of the player pool are not playing hand ranges, just their own hand. A mixed strategy might be best. Against regs employ more GTO, against recs more exploitive.

Samu Patronen 7 years, 7 months ago

Play according to your opponents! If you get raised a lot If you bet small, then by all means do that with your strong hands.

That said, be aware of your biases when evaluating what your opponents are doing. Are they REALLY raising often?

Don't get confused with new GTO concepts and stuff, use simple logic! That'll get you pretty far at soft live games, combined with volume, concistency and patience.

Notinmylifetime 7 years, 7 months ago

Samu hits it on the head. Most players get raised a few times in a short time span and get paranoid. Most live players are so passive they simply have it when they do raise. When things are not going your way you can get raised a lot while them always having it anyways.

mitchr1598 7 years, 7 months ago

Duuude, if your opponents have a spaz reflex then that's your ticket to having a huge win rate. You can use PIO to node lock and see how it react's, although I think it's pretty clear it'll only use the smaller size. There's an important concept in making money in poker that says if your opponents play a particular spot in the game tree poorly, then try to get to that spot as often as possible. This is a clear opportunity to exploit your opponents for huge amounts of money, yet you're more concerned with balancing your range better?

It's probably worth tallying all the times you bet 1/3 pot, and all the times you get raised to make sure there's not cognitive bias's going on. Namely this one or this one

DatpKay 7 years, 7 months ago

You can also call a lot vs checkraises/raises that do not make a lot of sense with a big part of their range.
Everything else has been said.

There is a meta-point to this thread though:

it actually CAN happen that u shoot your own leg when employing certain "new strategies"...
If ingame you think something like:
vs 1/3 cbet I see him floating#/spazzing/raising a lot vs which I would not know how to respond but I see him straight up folding "honestly" vs 1/2 to 3/4 then, by all means, especially OOP in 3b pots, just bet bigger. This won't be big mistake mostly (given it is not an awful continuing spot and is therefore more "safe".

And still, just like in the good old days you can just bet 1/3, if you get checkraised on boards that favor your range, just call and bet if checked to

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