Two pair OTF vs rec 132bb deep
Posted by MatoStar
Posted by MatoStar posted in Low Stakes
Two pair OTF vs rec 132bb deep
Hey guys, this was one of the biggest pot from yesterday at nl25.
SB completes, Hero (BB) Q4s checks.
FLOP: 9s4dQd
SB checks, Hero bets 1bb, SB raises to 4bb (He did this last 1-2times - so he probably knows that I bet here pretty frequently), Hero raises tp 17bb (this was mainly for value as I expected a ton of merge hands and also draws). SB raises to 53bb ( I was literally expecting even some random spew bluffs - he was tanking, but also combodraws, strong TP and twopair+. I think at this stage I could just call and call almost any non-diamond turn. Hero shoves for 131bbs. I will post what happened at the end of the discussion.
Overall, I think that my 3bet was fine since he is calling his Qx and many draws which we wanna charge given the stack sizes. However, I would prob just call the 4b, in case he has got some spews, we will keep those hands in his range as well as his possible combodraws which he isnt willing to fold at any point I think. So the only difference is that, we can play more precisely against certain part of his range since we have the position.
V is a guy who was limping a lot, vpip 52 so far. Recently he started to check raise me pretty liberally
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