Two pair deep stacked
Posted by curvafb
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Low Stakes
Two pair deep stacked
Hello everybody,
What would you do in this spot ? Re-raise ? Call ? Fold ? and why ?? We are deep stacked. 61 / 11 WTSD: 25 in 125 hands.. And donk bet on the river 2/3 seems on pt..
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Snap call, notw what he has, never folding here, raising might be too risky.
says the villian is bb, but pre it says 3 folds, bb calls 25 and hero checks?
but given the way the hand plays out, i want to say call given over 2 to 1 OTR but smells like a set from the villain or maybe even kc combos? hard to say without any knowledge of the villain but tbh i'd probably sigh calling.
actually looking at it again, sets are probably raising due to the FD'S. so maybe more the Kc combos.......i'd call. dont think you're getting worse to call a raise.
id call
I'm just snapping and not thinking about any other option.
I called and he shows Kx and I won
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