turning AA into a CRAI bluff OTR??

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turning AA into a CRAI bluff OTR??

None: Jon Doe: $0

Villain - self-proclaimed online high stakes NLHE crusher.  Coach for a small training site.  He hasn't adjusted much to live games and I find many glaring leaks in his game.  He suffers from FPS and over confidence, and I don't find him particularly competent at playing deep stacks.

5/10 live.  stacks $3700.villain opens $40 BTN, Hero 3-bets $140 SB AsAc, villain flats.

flop Ks7s3h.  Hero bets $180, villain calls.

turn Qd.  Hero checks, villain bets $400, hero calls.

river 4s.  hero checks, villain bets $500, hero CRAI $2980 for a little over PSB.

Hero had As for NF blocker. I didn't think that the villain had a flush based on his river bet sizing, and also me having the As blocker;  I capped his range to 77 or 33, and mostly a hand like KQ.  He COULD have AK, but i think he would've 4-bet preflop with that hand. 

I'm only repping AQs or AJs or possibly QJs, but i don't think the villain can give a live player credit for CR bluffing the river, esp turning a made hand into a bluff.  He essentially has a bluff catcher and has to ask himself if I can be bluffing here.  He likely underestimates my abilities (he thinks he is absolutely the best) and probably can't fathom me bluffing the river with a big CRAI. Some of my friends thought that I can check-call the river, but i really didn't think that I had very much showdown value.  I also block a lot of his AK combos, and as previously stated, i discount AK because the villain would likely 4-bet preflop esp BTN-blinds dynamics.  What do you guys think?  Is this a text book case of FPS on my part?


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