Turn spot with connected/wet board
Posted by MajorCrimes
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Low Stakes
Turn spot with connected/wet board
UTG: 100.1 BB
MP: 115.1 BB
CO: 81.8 BB
Hero (BTN): 101.7 BB
SB: 108.5 BB
BB: 40 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has Ks Qs
fold, MP raises to 2 BB, fold, Hero calls 2 BB, SB raises to 7 BB, fold, MP calls 5 BB, Hero calls 5 BB
Flop : (22 BB, 3 players) 9c 9s 8s
SB checks, MP checks, Hero bets 10.4 BB, fold, MP calls 10.4 BB
Turn : (42.8 BB, 2 players) Td
MP checks,
In game, I bet again OTT, which seems bad to me now. Some of the pp hands we hope to fold picked up a GSSD and may be a little stubborn, and he has a lot of strong made hands given his line so far: 88, 99, QJ, 67s, 98s, T9s, K9s+, etc.
What are people's plan OTT and OTR?
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Yeah, I would probably checkback on the turn. Villains range is most likely hands like 77/TT/JJ/QQ, maybe slowplays like 99/98, so his range is kinda strong actually (or could be, it's hard to say how villain constructs his check/calling range).
I don't expect to get check/raised often at all, but at the same time I would not expect to get many folds either. It's close, checking seems slightly better to me.
Check because of the conectedness of the board, villain can now have added straights to his resume or has us drawing dead more often than on a 2c turn.
This is one of the best cards for villains range so I would also checkback here.
Why not checking the flop?
A spade draw, 2 overs, bd straight draws; you get out better hands/ hands with equity like 55 or Ahigh to fold here, so c-betting is fine. The question is if its mandatory and favorable to always double barell flushdraws.
But we are not the preflop agressor and we don't know how powerful are the enemies ranges (it's a 3B multiway pot).
Anyway in that kind of flops most of strong hands from enemies (trips/fullhouse) will check either.
What do you say about this?
Can't we probe the turn and the river (we have position over our enemies) as a bluff or as a value (if we hit our card) anyway?
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