Turn Play w/KK

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Turn Play w/KK

What do you think about turn play ? Can I bet for value or check back for pot control if he check raise ? How would you play and why ? thank you..



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Samu Patronen 9 years, 1 month ago

These are always a bit tricky because you do have a very strong hand, but realistically it's pretty hard to get value given the runout. I would still bet the turn tho, you have a K of hearts which makes this hand quite a bit stronger and you have no problem calling a raise if villain decides to make one. I wouldn't bet too big tho.

jambonbeurre 9 years, 1 month ago

I'm agree with Samu Patronen analysis, it's a spot where you don't have a lot of value.
But, i think that it's a pain to get raised on the turn when you have a set here, you can call but you're not in a great spot, you're out are pretty face up, and you don't have any bluff, to call and lead double on the river. So i think the EV of C/C is better here, and especially with Kh.
+ You're exposing you're self to call for folding river a lot here, given that it's tought to go to showdown with a small flush when you get raised here too, and you're always calling set to fold on later street without double.

David Jimenez 9 years, 1 month ago

I'd x/b because I don't see that much value by betting especially since we have a blocker for two pairs combos, I'd rather pot control

Samu Patronen 9 years, 1 month ago

I would bet the turn for sure. We have a lot of outs versus flushes and straights and villain is forced to call with a hand like AJ/AT with a heart.

Samu Patronen 9 years, 1 month ago

For some reason there are hands like AhJd there that aren't possible, but it takes blockers into account when it makes a calculation. We should have around 60% equity versus villains continuing range, which should be enough. Without the K of hearts this would be a check for sure.

jambonbeurre 9 years, 1 month ago

Calling the cbet flop with AT AJ (and the turn for AJxh) seems superoptimistic, same for KQ, he never calls the turn here, we have 60% against his range on his calling flop range. But not against his continuing range on the turn after we 2nd barrel.
And if he raises good hand, we need more equity in general i think.

Samu Patronen 9 years, 1 month ago

Calling with AT/AJ is very standard. And with our hand we have odds to call a raise, no matter how tight his range is. We have the nutflush outs and the full house outs.

jambonbeurre 9 years, 1 month ago

AT AJ without bdfd Ahi, seems a bad call for me on the flop. You're C/F almost all turn, the guy cbet in 3 way, he does'nt have R ballz here, his cbets range looks like AK+ most of his FD, T9bbdfd, and JT, maybe some AJ AT with bdfd if he's loosish postflop.
I don't see how you can peel AxTh profitably, given he will fire 2 so often, and we can't x/c twice.

On the turn really, i would expect a hand like AxJh to x/r and not x/c, just playing for potodds when you're out does'nt so much implied odds seems bad to me.

And again, for me, ok bet/call is better than bet/fold but does'nt mean better than x/c x/b.

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