Turn play OOP. Live NLHE
Posted by lanceryosuke
Posted by lanceryosuke posted in High Stakes
Turn play OOP. Live NLHE
Playing villain the first time as usual. He seems to be a bum hunter and has many weird speculative hands in his range. Definitely capable of bluffing and his sizing is leaned towards tournament style. My perceived image is pretty Laggy to these guys and they tend to fight back a lot in pots vs me.
Binds 10/200
I raised $60 with 79dd ($3000)on mp in a tight passive table and button calls(covers me)
Flop Kh Td 6d.
I bet $90 into $150 he calls.
Turn Tc
Pretty bad card for my range and being OOP sux vs a player that makes weird plays. In a vacuum what hands should we be bet calling/check calling with? There are enough hands i could bet for value/protection as well as checks to induce. How should we spilt our cc/bc/bf range here on middle paired turns like this?
As played i bet $250 and he makes it $600. Having a 9 in my hand made me feel slightly obliged to bet turn although i don't think it makes a significant difference. I don't think check calling is really viable here since we don't have much sd value being OOP. But betting turns seems to allow opponents to put in a raise here and own us a lot. I did considered bet 3 bet but with us blocking the fd makes it less likely he has a raise fold hand. Did considered calling $350 extra to hope i suxout and realize my equity in the pot. Thoughts on turn anyone?
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