[z10] Turn 22 into a bluff or spew?
Posted by BubbleNedRum
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Low Stakes
[z10] Turn 22 into a bluff or spew?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $12.90
SB: $12.54
BB: $10.00 (Hero)
UTG: $13.00
MP: $20.73
CO: $10.47
SB: $12.54
BB: $10.00 (Hero)
UTG: $13.00
MP: $20.73
CO: $10.47
Hero is BB with
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Hi everyone,
started getting back into poker just recently, so no stats yet in the huge zoom pool.
What do you think about my line? Does anyone fold to the minraise already? My thought process OTR was that he never minraises 3x, so that leaves him with TT and A4s, which is really only a few combos. His betsize looked to me like he was going for thin value with an overpair and I play all my 4x that way.
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Are you valubetting or bluffing on the turn? If 1st it is thin I would say and if you bet all PP vs check that's not high EV strategy; if 2nd too strong.
If for some reason it is mergy bet then I don't see call vs min turn raise being a good play. All your money (as played!) should come from line bet turn and check/check river and him folding turn
I think I am doing a mix of those, denying value was basically my idea. So make him fold out all those KQ, KJ, QJ, 98 type of hands. And the plan was certainly to bet turn, check river, but then his minraise confused me and that is how we ended up with this weird hand :D
This is such a weird line from MP where I'm unsure about his range. Feels like he is spazzing out with a random hand on the turn.
I generally do bet smaller size on the turn because people's checkback range tends to be really weak. But that's just my preference.
As far as river goes, it's hard for us to find bluffs. 65 blocking 54s would be better. 22 blocks his A2s which he likely would call.
I like it from a theory standpoint. I don't like it from a practical one. This is such a hard board to get people to fold anything on. Pocket pairs, A high, Tx are all hands people are just going to call. When we want them to make hero folds we got to ask ourselves if they are capable of doing so. And when we face this odd turn play I would deem it unlikely this player will manage to find the fold with A high.
I agree that I might be too optimistic about getting him to fold anything. I might be thinking too much about the red line and "having to fight for pots", will have to look into that once I have more hands.
Hi Bubblenedrum, generally speaking about the micro stakes pool it is better to bluff less frequently against any player that we suspect to be a fish, and just with that min raise on the turn, there are already serious suspicions that he is not a very good player, and for that reason I don't think he can make great hero folds here. The bet on turn could be smaller size, but seems fine to me.
sheer fucking hubris
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