TT Facing 3bet from btn $0.50/$1.00 6-max Bovada

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TT Facing 3bet from btn $0.50/$1.00 6-max Bovada

Hero - $106 - T:heart:T:spade:
Btn Villain - $188 - 26/21 over 52 hands. 5% 3bet

Hero raises from HJ. Btn 3bets to $9.50. Hero calls.

Flop ($19.50) 8:Club:4:Club:4:Heart:
Hero checks, Btn bets $10.50, Hero?

The most difficult part about this hand, is I'm just not sure how the population on Bovada is 3betting from the button. Feel like he should be pretty polarized, but he could just be 3betting JJ+ or QQ+. If I reverse float the flop, check turn, do I call on a blank? Do I fold on a J,Q,K,A? Calling flop and c/f'ing to a turn bet seems pretty weak on a blank, but I don't want to get stacked or put in half my stack vs a villain that may not even be 3betting that wide. Villain may even barrel hands like AJo/KJo/AQ/AK that he bet flop with, and I could get in a situation where I'm folding a ton of equity on the turn. Do I just check/fold flop because I'm either crushed or have 75% equity and its going to be hard to realize that equity with lots of overcards that can come? Or is his half pot bet just too good of a price?

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