TT 3way 3bet pot
Posted by Treysix
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Low Stakes
TT 3way 3bet pot
SB: $25.00
BB: $32.54
UTG: $105.90
MP: $34.34
CO: $29.65
SB lost and shows a pair of Threes.
BN wins $48.75
Rake is $2.00
Hi, I have played this tricky hand on NL25.
UTG: unknown, SB unknown
I think I could also 3bet this hand preflop vs minraise of UTG and it may evven be better than calling as we won't get squeezed and can isolate that UTG played. But I want to analyze this hand the way I played it.
First question is...what range should we call vs that squeeze? The problem is, our range is capped in this spot as we cold call preflop but at the same time it's pretty tight so we can call some part of it for sure. I will mostly have suited broadways, suited connectors and low to mid pocket pairs when I cold call vs UTG open. Something like this: JJ-22, AQs-ATs, KJs+, QJs, JTs, T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, AQo - JJ will be 3bet most likely vs this open sizing but generally I will still cold call most of the times Bu vs UTG open.
When SB squeeze he risks 12bb to win 17bb pot - he needs ca 70% combined FEq to autoprofit. We don't have to defend so often as UTG will also call sometimes but our range is pretty strong (yet capped) so it isn't problem to defend enough. vs UTG I cold call with 116 combos and I would defend this range when UTG fold: JJ-99, AQs-AJs, KQs, JTs, AQo which is 46 combos.
Shall we def wider or tighter here ? I think this range is tight enough to defend profitably even tho we are capped.
I'm not sure what exactly SB squeezes here but I guess it could be somthing like this given he had KQo in this spot: TT+, ATs+, KQs, JTs, T9s, 98s, AJo+, KQo
On the flop the equity runs pretty much even given the ranges. Vs flop cbet we should def pretty wide as villain bets so small - we should defend almost 80% vs 33% sizing. I would call with this: JJ-99, AhQh, AsQs, AcQc, KhQh, KsQs, KcQc, AhJh, AsJs, AcJc, JhTh, JsTs, JcTc, AhQd, AhQs, AhQc, AsQd, AsQh, AsQc, AcQd, AcQh, AcQs - any pocket pair, any backdoor FD and some combos of AQo with Ah,As,Ac that blocks his possible backdoor AX hands. so I will def 39 combos of 46 combos.
Turn card improves our equity to ca 60% given the ranges. On the turn. vs the sizing we should def like 66% of our range to stop villain from autoprofitting. Therefore we should def ca 26 combos. I will def this: JJ-99, AcQc, KcQc, AhJh, AsJs, AcJc, JhTh, JsTs, JcTc ...calling with JJ trips, PPs again, with JX and with flush draws which is 21 combos so we even have to def with AQo again - with AcQx at least ant it will be 24 combos. It's not ideal but I think we can get away with this?
The river completes FD and villain shoves. WE should defend 60% of range vs this sizing so we won't be exploitable. Therefore we shouldcall down with: TT, JdJh, JdJs, JhJs, AcQc, KcQc, AhJh, AsJs, JhTh, JsTs...
By this calculation calling down with TT is mandatory given the ranges and ''GTO''. If we didn't have JJ in our range it would even be necessary to call with some combos of 99 to stay unexploitable. Our hand is bluffcatcher in this spot and we need villain to bluff at least 29% of times to be breakeven.
If he bluffs with KxQc in this spot I think he should also bluff at least with AcQx and AcKx but who knows how these players ''construct'' their bluffing ranges if they construct them at all...It seems he should have enough bluffs in this spot if he bluffs with this hand tho.
Question is: Is this right or shall we adjust our strategy given the tendencies of micro stakes players? Can we fold TT as players don't bluff enough on micro stakes generally ? This line feels kinda right from theoretical point of view but I'm not sure about actual microstakes gameplay.
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Your analysis makes sense. If you're not calling pre with AJo, you don't have enough Jacks in your range. So TT is the next best hand.
Are microstakes players bluffing enough? Don't know because only you know your player pool best. My impression is that enough people will bluff AK/AQ/KQ in this spot to make bluffcatching profitable.
However, for some people 3bet pre/bet/bet/jam is an extremely nutted line, so beware. If you had a read on the player as a passive player, or a standard multitabling reg, I would definitely fold here. Against unknowns, just play fundamentally sound.
Just a point about terminology. When you calculate how much of your range you need to defend, you're probably using Minimum Defence Frequency. MDF is a fine concept in many cases, but MDF and GTO aren't the same thing. See this post of mine for an example.
Hi, I think that you have analysed the hand really well and everything you wrote sounds good to me, although I have not worked out the combos myself it all sounds reasonable.
I think that as a general rule of thumb at 25nl which is the stake I play too, that villains do not triple enough as bluffs in the majority of situations, but this is all very player dependent and you have a note now that this villain is capable of doing so.
What I do notice is that I see more triple brl bluffs from PF aggressors when they are OOP. I also have noticed that players will squeeze wider than they will 3b in a lot of cases. I am surprised that villain goes 3 streets here given your super snug range. I think that a lot of players in your situation would even fold some AJ & KQ combos, and so if i were the squeezer here I would say you have a lot of 99-JJ as a big chunk of your range and would probably give up river given the run out. Especially when he blocks AK & AQ.
I think this is more likely spew than anything, his flush card blocker is not super relevant as the flush draw is not present on the flop so less likely you start calling to hit the flush, way more likely you have a hand exactly like you do.
In terms of adjusting, i would fold more of my range on the flop and turn, but not by a huge amount, and not the medium pocket pair portion of the range but perhaps the weaker Ax and KQ hands.
What to call against squeeze?
That is highly depend on the specific player but as you have no info on villain I would look at the player pool in most player pools you see that the looser guys tend to squeeze wider then they 3 bet. The good regs will most of the time not squeeze light as there is an UTG player involved. On the SB I would assume that most players tend to be more linear 3 betting and don't have a calling range. So would say that they are heavy in broadway cards such as AK,AQ,AJ,KQ,QJ both suited and none suited as well as TT+ and JTs (total 8.6%) or even tighter due to UTG opening. So I think the range you specified is ok-ish against John Doe.
Against a 33% bet and being IP you can defend very wide you could even call with just all hands.
The Jack hit both ranges equally that there is a flush-draw out there is of little importance as it wasn't there on the flop. Here I normally want to know more on my opponent before I continue with a pair below the J. But still I would most of the time continue on the turn with TT you don't block overcards and he can have a lot and his 33% flop bet did not mean much so villain still have loads of bluff cards.
The flush hits that is not a good card on one hand on the other hand it is a card that some players like to bluff on and some other players might check turn with a flush or be scared of the flush card and check to you with an overpair. So in fact the card is not to bad. But having said that the river is heavily under bluffed in a lot of player pools. So this is a close EV spot in my experience.
All in all I think you analyzed it very well from a theory perspective, but should look also at the player pool to check if there are enough players that bluff enough at the river or that that the player pool consists of mostly NITS as that can make the difference between a +EV call or a -EV call here.
I will agree on using MDF basically only on the river(other streets less important). Ranges are more important in most cases, if villain range is too tight and board is where we can't realize our Equity we would fold much more than MDF.
Few examples:
4bet spot Axx and we OOP, vs 1/4 size we might fold up to 50% of our range
3bet spot Kxx CO/MP vs 1/3 size range bet, we would fold roughly 40% on the flop because hard to realize equity.
SRP BB/MP something like AA2 (again a lot of folds even vs smallish size)
Can see pattern here, that it is unprofitable to play OOP many hands. But even IP vs sqz range, villain in many situations just can bet flop range(that's reason why we calling because many hands just have too much equity vs range bet), barrel turn a lot and pick up bluffs on the river. And depending how our range construct we might overfold flop/ and some turns but river nopeee.
Anyway about the hand, I think it is close to 0 EV bluffcacther, would prefer having Tc
Nice call down. Is this squeeze size standard in your player pool?
Also what'd he have?
I think 12bb is standard squeez sizing, he had KQo
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