TT 3b Pot

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TT 3b Pot

100nl Eff stacks 100bb

Villain is 18/15 over 135 hands. No history that I'm aware of.

Hero raises 3.00 TsTd utg, folds to BB who 3bets to 10.50, Hero calls

Flop 9s9h3s(21.50)

BB 15.35, Hero calls

Tu 6d (52.14)

BB 34.76, Hero(76.00 behind)


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Playing for Pennies 12 years ago
So gross. I hate these spots. I think I would more likely than not just call turn and probably call it off on a non AQK river.

What;s his 3bet % though? That would give us a slightly better idea of what his range could be.
R0b5ter 12 years ago
These spots are essentially player dependant. Vs a 18/15 who is relatively unknown I fold.
WM2K 12 years ago
You can let this go preflop. His range is going to be premiums and perhaps not even a full arsenal of AK due to positions. Basically your setmining and you are not getting odds preflop.

As played ya I mean its close OTF. I was examining a similar spot where dude has a uber tight range and I had 99 150bb deep. I called preflop cause I was getting set odds and it was a question of whether or not I should continue OTF. It relied on 2 things. First he has at least half his combos of AK. Second he s playing a 1 and done strat with those combos and fwiw his range is so strong that he can definitely fire turn as a bluff with AK a reasonable amount and we still can t call OTT. So calling flop in that spot meant that you must have a solid read that villain is a weak tight player. This basically applies in this spot except its not even a call pre due to stacks.

Remember you exploit these tight unbalanced players by just getting out of the way of their strong ranges and playing for the implied odds when they arise. Also they give up the blinds too often and you win that way too. Accurate play is needed though as they are nt drooling monkeys so the margin of error is a lot smaller.
BigFiszh 12 years ago
WM2K is so right. Listen to him carefully - to every single word. And let it sink.

Summary: fold pre, as played fold flop.
James Hudson 12 years ago
Remember also when thinking about your range that this is one of the hands that plays the worst once we get to the turn. If we're beat we're drawing close to dead and if we're ahead he likely has two overcards or a flush draw. You'd probably rather have a range of stronger made hands and flush draw type hands that get to the river than strictly bluffcatching hands.
Juan Copani 12 years ago
If we are not even just calling pre at least with a hand like TT, are we not too explotable ? What would be your general strategy for this kind of spots ? Just make a few 4bets bluffs (AJ/AQ/JQ), and then stack off with QQ+ AK, and never calling .. ?

How important is have a decent defense range against this 3bets ?

Since i am working too much with GTO, and the numbers that i should defend to no be explotable, Im intresting of how much should i defend this kind of situations. Time ago i was playing very very tight (almost a non 4bet theory with my entire range), but right now i think that i been giving too much credit to villain 3bets when im UTG v BB/SB, and start to defende more and more. And i think we should defend wider, since people is just making 3bets with hands like AJ/AQ/KQ/KJ, which are a lot of weak combos if you compare with his real value range, and then just betting flop and giving up.
BigFiszh 12 years ago
"If we are not even just calling pre at least with a hand like TT, are we not too explotable ?"

FIrst of all, we aren´t readless, we know this guy is pretty tight - so we shouldn´t expect to get exploited by him. Which means we could even deviate from a GTO-defense-line and defend even tighter than optimal - by making exploitative folds.

Second, given a 17% open-range from UTG, it´s GTO to 4-bet with JJ+, AJs, KQs, AJo+ and call a 5-bet with QQ+, AK. No calling-range as you can see, and TT isn´t even in the 4-bet-bluff-scope.

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