trouble with KK
Posted by Madone52
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Mid Stakes
trouble with KK
Live $3/5 hand from yesterday that I know I misplayed and want some feedback on:
effective stack: $1500
K♠K♣ in SB
UTG +1 raises to $15 and two call, then I raise to $60, which IMO was my first mistake- should have sized up to ~$100 to thin the field a bit more. Once the EP called the others were more likely to join in, and by the time it got to the button he only needed to call $45 with $180 in the pot.
$245 pot pre-flop
- J♣T♠6♠ and I check- 2nd mistake. With a connected board like that I just didn't have a good sizing in mind to c-bet and feared getting check-raised and folding. It was checked to the button and he bet $150. I thought I recognized him as an aggressive player, but wasn't sure. I made the call and the other two folded.
$545 pot
- 9♠ turn. I check and he bets $325, I fold. At that point it felt like a flopped set or two pair, and I didn't like not having the nut flush draw (I later learned from another player that he had folded the A♠).
I appreciate any comments on how I could have played this differently.
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I agree with your preflop reasoning that your sizing wasn't good. Standard squeeze size when there's an RFI and 1 cold caller is around 5x the opening size. It's all about odds being given. Being OOP (SB) gives you even more incentive to size up and reduce the stack to pot ratio.
As played I like the check on the flop. You are multiway on a board that is likely to hit other people as well. I find the flop play fine.
Turn I'm not sure. You have a gutshot, overpair and a 2nd nut flushdraw. His sizing is below on the lower end. I would call.
Totally agree with preflop, I like the way you played the hand. A 4-way connected flop is not a playground to muscle around with an overpair. The draws on the turn are no good proposition, we have literally no implied odds but potential reverse implieds and direct odds are likely not sufficient against the potential range we're up against. I like the fold.
a good default being OOP is to 4x 3b+ the cold callers money. Because it's live and we got 2 cold callers, I wont mind going 4.5x or 5x+ the cold callers, which makes you hit around 90-$100 pre.
On flop, because it is live I don't think betting is out of the question, but I think checking is okay being 4-way OOP. Your hand is often getting 1-2 streets of value unless you get a super clean run out, which is more rare than a 8, 9, spade, Q, A rolling off. I don't think live players are going to screw around too much and bluff you off of your hand too much, especially in a situation like this.
Flop call good. Turn is truly dicey. Because you 3b so small, the button can have such a wide range. It's really tempting to make a call here. JTo, 66, TT, J9, KQ, Axss all make alot of sense for him, as well as QJss, and smaller spades. There's potentially 40+ value combos for him. He can certainly have AJo, KJo, QJo all preflop, question is does he bet these on the turn like this(probably not, other than if he had the As in hand). So all in all, on the turn, you probably just have a fold. I think his value range is super thick, and he probably is A)underbluffing turn and B)not betting many thin hands that KK beat. So we end up being behind quite a bit of his hands, and our spade out my be bad, and we aren't going to make money when we get there.
I disagree with us having reverse implied odds on a spade however, as we know from experience if a spade comes in on river and we face another bet, this is going to be a hugely underbluffed spot.
So, main thing is use a standard 3b sizing preflop so you dont make these kinds of mistakes.
On flop, 4 way multway on a wet wet texture probably means we can do alot more checking, as the value of our hand is going to drastically change on later streets often. On a more static board im going to do alot of betting because I want to just value town weak live players.
Good job posting for feedback.
Thanks to everyone for the comments- very helpful to confirm that I should have sized up pf, the check wasn't as bad as I thought it might have been on this board, and the turn fold had merit.
I'm on the other side of the debate, but I'm not folding this on the turn. Basically, this spot is maybe the best bluffing opportunity for the button and you have roughly 60% easy folds on the turn. Things like AJs or AA without a spade are pretty much pure folds here. Even QQ without a spade is going to be really marginal. You've got 15-40% equity against every two pair+ hand except nut spades (which is only 7 combos and doesn't always bet the flop). You only need 27% equity to call. I don't think it's unreasonable to see some bluffs and to suck out enough to make the turn call profitable. If you face a bet on a 4-flush, you probably can fold (you could also block, because you will be well ahead of range), because he's going to be really concerned about the A spades (which is a big fraction of possible calling hands). On board pairs especially a six, he'll likely check-back two pair and on the Q you probably can check fold too (though this is actually pretty exploitable). He'll check back sets here and two pair and likely even KQ (AK is something people worry about it).
Basically, your equity realization is reasonably high, because people aren't going to be very ballsy on rivers that smash AsK type hands.
Just did a quick look in flopzillers, and this is our equity without him having bluffs in range. I think Tyler is right on this one. Good point too, we can block bet rivers and even extract a tiny amount of value from some hands and probably not really face bluff raises. (against the right type of villain)
Thank you both- great information!
Going to have to relay the comments ^^^. 4x OOP with multiple players in pot is just not going to let you realize your equity enough even with the strongest hands.
I'm interested to know the optimal pre-flop sizing would be there with AA, KK, QQ, AKs?
agree on the preflop, I would have made it higher, but am I the only only that bets out here? you have an overpair, and its not like there are 6 people against you. arent you at least even money to be winning here? what if you bet 2/3 the pot here? if you are raised, you can probably get out. you buy some there. you get one caller at most many times, and are likely winning. re evaluate on the turn. as it is, when you check, you surrender the "drivers seat" and are now guessing the rest of the way. you fold a lot of winners when the button refires on the turn. and when the button bets, who is often making a positional bet, is a check raise not considered? I bet out, but lets just say I "inadvertently" check, I am going to check raise with an over pair and the button making his "obligatory" bet. I don't know, I play a lot of lower stakes, so perhaps my way is a losing proposition?
It’s just a really rough texture to play multi-way oop 4 way. Our equity is not going to be that great, so this leads to a check with our range(strong and weak hands) I don’t think this loses any value since it’s rare to get mult streets anyways.
Kinda tough to check raise when 300bb deep. If we had 100bb I would def be down to check jam.
There’s just a lot of bad run outs that we don’t want to bloat the pot with a check raise since our equity is not great. Think for check raising we want to be a bit more drawing to the nuts/have the nuts here.
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