Trips facing aggression
Posted by RunItTw1ce
Posted by RunItTw1ce posted in Mid Stakes
Trips facing aggression
2 folds
Mp1 opens $20
Hero BB AhQs calls
Flop ($45) Qh-Qd-2d
Check x2
Turn ($45) Qh-Qd-2d-5s
Hero checks
MP1 bets $20
Hero XR to $70
MP1 calls $50
River ($185) Qh-Qd-2d-5s-8h
Hero $145
Mp1 all in $536
Hero ($covers)
Villain is usually viewed as tight straight forward player, but is also some what tilted this session. Earlier I opened $20 Co 99, btn calls, and he shoved all in $160 with A2o. He tripled up spiking the aces for me and btn both calling. He's in the game for about $2400 ($500 at a time + a couple add ons). I don't think he is ever bluffing here, just a question of 22, 55, or 88. I think 55 and 88 are lower frequency as I expect them to bet the flop most of the time. Question is will he over value KQ or QJ in this spot? I don't think Q8s is usually in his opening range, but maybe it is this session. On the turn he called rather quickly if this helps at all.
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