Trips and middling kicker on a coordinated board. What range do you give to an unknown villain?
Posted by MattS
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Low Stakes
Trips and middling kicker on a coordinated board. What range do you give to an unknown villain?
Blinds: $0.15/$0.30 (5 Players)
BB: $30.00 (Hero)
UTG: $35.02
CO: $24.25
BN: $46.72
SB: $15.61
UTG: $35.02
CO: $24.25
BN: $46.72
SB: $15.61
Villain 22/14, tricky but overall aggressive postflop
SB Is 42/14 and will stick around with top pair for far too long
SB Is 42/14 and will stick around with top pair for far too long
Hero is BB with
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How do we feel about a blocking bet on the river?
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Would lead the flop with value. When it's multiway, coordinated and there's a fish, you're missing value checking coz the preflop raiser is gonna check it way too much.
River blocking vbet makes sense, I like it.
As for his range:
When you check and he bets he can still have some missed straight draws around the 8 and J and might bet an 8x but that's not very likely. His size changes this range a little bit though, the frequency of missed draws decrease as I believe he will bet bigger most of the times with those combos. So quite a lot of flushes in this betting range but with this odds it's obv a call, he might be betting those straight draws or an 8x, 99, TT sometimes.
When you blockbet he will always call with an 8x and almost always with a 6x, if you bet small enough, that's why I like the idea.
Interesting idea of leading the flop.. given the fact that there is also a fish.. but how would you approach this spot if we would lead the flop, UTG calls, SB folds and turn is a brick card. I would say I would prob go for x/c since he might still has some draws and then x/f river (bc they arent bluffing enough)?
Otherwise agree with all.. and maybe I would add that vs 22/14 (not sure if you are playing 5max or 6max as a default, but if it is 5max he is definitely a nit, in 6max prob just a tight reg) I would consider folding this preflop.. yeah the fish called on the SB and we have position on him, but I would more likely call hands like Axs,Kxs,Qxs which may flop a decent flush or lower suited connectors just because of playability and domination
With the kicker being an under card is protection against UTG also a reason to lead the flop?
imo, its even more of an incentive then.. I mean we are protecting mainly vs AK,AQ,KQ type of hands which are usually in a x/b mode esp with the fish involved and MW. Therefore not holding Q,K or A is just another incentive for us to lead, because his 2OC are always real
Yep, think the same, just don't want put some wrong info out there when there are people more experienced than me around :p
Also 100% agree he is likely a nit and the fold pre option is there with the opener being a nit, it's got to be close with the rec on the SB.
Hand is too weak to lead flop.
Fold pre. As played bet river.
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