Tricky river spot against a creative reg(2.5-2.5 euro live)

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Tricky river spot against a creative reg(2.5-2.5 euro live)

We have been playing a couple off hours. My tells on the reg is he can x/r bluff(he did it 3x fired on the turn and gave up on the river against another reg) overbet as a bluff and valuebet thin. Overall a thinking creative player. My image is nitty but he understand that I can think and analyze.

Hero midpos (600 euro) KQo Raise to 12.5

Creative reg(500 euro) Calls on BB Dunno if this information is interesting but dealer was going to take his cards away and he said something like ''NO! I am defently gonna play this hand''.

Flop 3d3xKd 

Reg X Hero bets 15 into 27.5 pot and Reg Raises to 30. This can mean alot as I said have seen him bluff here but it was 3x and not 2x which seems weird. If he wants me off Ax and low pairs 3x seems like a better raise? I more or less made my plan here to call all turns but Diamonds and probably fold to a river bet as I havent seen him fire 3 bullets out of pos as a bluff. 

Turn 9x Reg bets out 52.5 into 87.5 pot Hero Calls dont see that turn changing much and he fires second barell on any turns in my opinion.

River 9x board(Kd3d3x9x9x) Reg tanks then jams remaining 400 euro into a 200 pot... Hero? I dont get this is he trying to bully me off a Kx? Guess my range is face up here. In my opinion one off the worst river cards to jam on since it DOESNT change anything. I think he understands that and therefore this is very strange. He got there with 9dX? Or he is valuebetting a 3x?

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