TPTP in 3 bet pot NL25z
Posted by piownu
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Low Stakes
TPTP in 3 bet pot NL25z
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $27.05
SB: $28.11 (Hero)
BB: $22.54
UTG: $40.55
MP: $25.00
CO: $30.33
SB: $28.11 (Hero)
BB: $22.54
UTG: $40.55
MP: $25.00
CO: $30.33
Hero is SB with
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Villain unk, but after 30 hands had reggy stats
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Fold , Ac is good but villain wont shove worse for value KQ xdown even AK you will see many checks from.
In my experience this is underbluffed by quite a lot in these limits, even if you have okay blockers I cant imagine him finding enouth bluffs for you to make this call
Check/calling this particular combo on this flop. You have his range completely destroyed. Sure there are a few flush draws out there but if it completes on the turn you have an easy check/call with a re-draw to the nuts. Being that he has so little on this flop, I like to give him the chance to bluff here.
As played, agree with the others. Fold river. Cant see a much better way to play this if you bet/call flop.
I disagree. If you check this flop with TPTK, what does it mean when you do bet? On this flop texture, I would bet almost my entire range, and I would expect to get called by some middle pairs and worse Ks. I would only consider checking top set and maybe QQ and JJ.
I agree that almost every other combo of AK should be bet here along with a ton of other stuff. This one in particular blocks so much of his continuing range that it seems like the best strong hand to check here.
Our "blocker" isn't really a thing as we also block his only few bluffs here imo.
Honestly I am calling here. The way it played out he either has a set or is bluffing. Even if he's calling pre with QcJc I expect a check back on the turn more often then not. Having the Ac is actually super relevant, it decreases the times he barrels on the turn with lower flush.
Unless is super good and bet/fold turn to a jam... even with the flush.
This guy is probably never bluffing here, and he is probably never betting KQ/AK given the flush runout and our protected range. The only "natural bluffs" that he had flushed the turn. I don't even think that he has enough avaliable bluffs to make us wanting to call here even if he bets them 100% of the time, he has to be raising flop with a high number of AxQc, A4s-A3s and weak stuff, and we are blocking the Ac that may want to barrel off with (AcQx, AcTx)
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