TPTK v river check raise
Posted by DiamondClub
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Low Stakes
TPTK v river check raise
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $18.97
SB: $10.00
BB: $33.23
UTG: $10.90
MP: $12.79
CO: $19.56 (Hero)
SB: $10.00
BB: $33.23
UTG: $10.90
MP: $12.79
CO: $19.56 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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I didn't c-bet here because I think that a big part of their range are pocket pairs and broadway type hands they would mostly fold since we are multiway. My plan was to check call. What's your opinion here ? This is my biggest question about this hand, because if something went wrong then it went wrong on the flop.
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Given that it checked through, I suppose betting here for value is fine. I can get calls from Tx, Ax and some FDs. I also expect the pot to be heads up by the river when I bet the turn that's just because of my earlier assumption that they will show up with a lot of medium and small pocket pairs TT-22, some of which have made a set, but most of which will fold here.
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Some of the backdoor diamond draws have hit now, and I wouldn't expect him to do this with anything less than a set. I think it's a pretty clear fold.
Final Pot
BB wins $4.87
Rake is $0.23
Rake is $0.23
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I would bet/fold 3 streets. I don't like checking flop because there is a FD. I like checking more on a rainbow flop.
slamdunk bet flop. Stop trying to complicate things. You got a very strong hand, bet. Ye it's 3-way as well so we will have to be a bit more faced up than in HU-pots.
I don't mind a check sometimes on flop as part of a balanced strategy. However vs most players at small stakes I think betting will work out better as they won't be betting aggressively enough vs checks and will call down too lightly even though it's a 3way pot. As for rest of hand it's fine but river might be pretty close between betting and checking. I'd expect a lot of stronger Ace hands to lead out on the turn so that leaves weaker Ace and draws. Weak ace might not call and some draws got there so yeah I'd say it's pretty close.
Balancing is over-rated at 10NL. If this is balancing then balancing = losing money.
I agree with you which is why I said betting will work out better most of the time.
I'm not sure how to say this without sounding rude. But checking is pure madness imo, we can still have a balanced checking/range without checking AKhh on this flop and there's still lots of combos that works much better as a check.
Try thinking of what we're trying to achieve when checking and about the concept of being balanced. If you want to check AK so badly on this flop (I wouldn't either way) , check with the king of spades instead because you can call down on more runouts (turn spade river spade, villain will have less combos of flushes if it runs spade turn and blank river) . Adding this hand to our checking range is just simply a waste of a very strong hand.
sweet16: Having read your post, I agree. Thanks for elaborating!
You're probably right. I'm always looking to improve in these spots. I'll have to do some database analysis to see if checking has any merit at all compared to betting.
Edit: Just did a quick look at my results. Not that it means anything because I might be making a lot of mistakes in other parts of the hand but when I have AK out of position on Ace high flop and cbet my winrate is 1013bb/100. In same spot when I check my winrate 1150bb/100. Like I said it doesn't mean much but at least for me personally checking has been doing ok.
Great, thanks for the replies.
Agree with betting all 3 streets here for straight value on a tt board. I would considere bet/folding only OTT tho.
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