TPTK 200bb+ pot
Posted by eaSy_
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Low Stakes
TPTK 200bb+ pot
SB: $5.71 (114.2 bb)
BB: $6.76 (135.2 bb)
UTG: $3.46 (69.2 bb)
MP: $0.92 (18.4 bb)
CO: $5.15 (103 bb)
Hero (BTN): $9.78 (195.6 bb)
Villains unknown
Preflop: Hero is BTN with Ad Kc
UTG raises to $0.17, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.17, SB folds, BB calls $0.12
Flop: ($0.53) Ks Jh 5h (3 players)
BB checks, UTG bets $0.50, Hero raises to $1.60, BB raises to $5.81, UTG folds, Hero calls $4.21
This is practically an all in but I don't know if this is a call for me. We are flipping at best vs his KQhh, AThh etc + we have shown much strengh by raising a potsize bet so this looks pretty much like a set. What do you guys think?
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I wouldn't raise the flop unless utg is fishy, which he probably is (stacksize). A potsized bet on a 3way flop looks very strong. When the BB shoves you have a snapfold imo.
Does this range seem reasonable?
Board: KsJh5h
Equity Winst Split
BU 20.32% 20.15% 0.17% { AdKc }
BB 79.68% 79.51% 0.17% { JJ, 55, KJs, K5s, AhQh, AhTh, QhTh, Th9h, KJo }
wouldnt raise the flop even vs a rec, given the sizing, this being multiway and the fact that board is not that great for us
snapfold vs a cold3b
Flop raise and call off is terrible.
Call down on non hearts, stongly consider folding when a Q or T arrives and you face a triple barrel.
I raised flop because of draw heavy board. If he would have bet like 70% pot, would you guys have raised? Or just never raise in this spot?
FWIW, I always 3b AK PF against fish, and I 3b like 3.5x. The raise on the flop isn't bad. He's either drawing or has the same idea as you: "it's a wet board, so I want to protect my hand." When you raise, he calls with every draw that's in his range, and he probably shoves a set/two pair. As played, when this other random guy 3bets you without having hardly invested any money in the pot, he's showing greater strength than anyone else in the hand. There's like $0.50 in the pot, and he risks $6. That isn't a random bluff. I think he expects you to call, therefore, fold.
I would 3bet pre
What the others said, basically - just calldown on good runouts, readless.
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