TPGK in 3 bet pot mw - am I a monsternit?
Posted by Whipman
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Low Stakes
TPGK in 3 bet pot mw - am I a monsternit?
I feel very dirty about this hand and the reason why I played it the way I did might be due to a prolongued downswing that has cost me many a nerve in the last couple of month.
openraiser is a fish who plays 49/5, so squeezing is kinda obvious. Overcaller is practically unknown, but is more likely to be a fish. I think flop is very standard. Turn is were it gets tricky (at least for me). I dunno, at the moment I felt like there aren't too many weaker aces that are going to overcall a squeeze. He cheks back, which can mean that he has a weak ace, a draw or something along those lines. I don't expect a 2nd pair to call the flop bet. River is whatever, the draw gets there, the pairing of the board is irrelevant. I don't know what he bets river with that I beat. I feel like he is either going to c back weaker aces or bet them a bit smaller, but that's specualtive. I feel really bad about this cause I find myself making really nitty plays in certain spots with relatively good hands. I might have very bad intuition in regard to what ranges other people are playing.
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