tp facing flopraise vs. fish oop on drawy flop

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tp facing flopraise vs. fish oop on drawy flop

The Villain in this hand is playing 24/9/6.5 over just 86 hands. He defends his bb passively around 40% but we only have 5 spots. He 3bets 13.7 from bb in 7 spots. He folds to cbets just 33% and raises them 50%. All samples are realtively low though, but I still feel the tendeny of him being aggro is quity clear. 

$0.50/$1  No Limit Holdem  

4 Players  

Hand Conversion Powered by  



CO  $54.80 55bb  

BTN  $105 105bb  

Batman (SB)  $121.70 122bb  

BB  $107.85 108bb  


Pre-Flop: ($1.50, 4 players) Batman is SB 9d Jc  

2 folds, Batman raises to $3, BB calls $2  


Flop: 5s 7s 9c ($6, 2 players)  

Batman bets $4, BB raises to $18, Batman raises to $38, BB calls $20


Turn: 4d ($82, 2 Players) 


Is it better to chcall here and if we do so, what is the worst valuehand which we bet? I think my 3bet on flop is bad vs. this villain, but i don't like calling or folding his raise better. 
All opinions are very much appreciated:-)


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ItsToothPasteISwear 11 years, 3 months ago

I think betting is perfectly fine. Honestly I dont hate just folding to his raise, you are OOP, he makes it very big, tons of turns suck, you dont know whats a bad card or not, you dont know how hes going to play moving forward, and youve got a "meh" hand.

I think 3 bet is far worse than calling tho, the board is so drawy that he can potentially just shove lots of worse hands but your hand still isnt strong enough to want to play for stacks,  hes also not likely folding to your 3 bet on this board, and if he just calls now you are stuck OOP on the turn in a huge pot with a ton of bad cards to navigate.

freefalling80 11 years, 3 months ago

I think this is a great spot to check back the flop vrs an opponent who c/r this much I think J9 is ahead of him but i am not crazy about playing a big pot with my hand and works well as a check back because you can get to showdown alot and keep the pot size down with a good but not great hand 

HowIMetUrriver 11 years, 3 months ago

I think I should just fold pre given his tendendcies to defend alot passive and actively. 

@freefalling: I'm oop, so i would have to chcall

Ye, i like the idea of betfolding, we will have lots of stronger hands on this board, but I think its also just too strong to chcall. 

ItsToothPasteISwear 11 years, 3 months ago

I think J9 is too good to just open fold in the SB, we have a limited sample, and hes already folded 60% of those, so odds are hes your typical player who just folds far too often to steals. Your prolly +EV even if you only play post flop if you hit a monster.

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