Toy game exercise on range construction.....
Posted by ouch787
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High Stakes
Toy game exercise on range construction.....
Okay so some of you may have played on these Chinese app sites. These sites are rumored to be very soft but unless you are playing hu or at a private club you will likely get crushed by the collusion that is not policed. This brought me and my friend to a question. You see when they collide basically 1 guy w 4 devices will sit 4of the 8 tables using a vpn and play 4 of the 8 seats.
Now what if we turned their collusion into a hu match only instead of playing 2 cards you are playing 8 such that 1 guy is controlling 4 accounts and the other playing 4. Now right away I would think that since we are occupying 4 of the 8 seats that position is less important and we should play wider ranges. However, what is the best range to play? It would also make sense to play 4 accounts when our opponent folds 3 and calls 1 since it’s 3 vs 1 and even if he had AA every time playing a pot 4 ways where 3 guys are trying to win vs you that they will have a massive edge.
I would like to hear any other strategies and if anyone would be interested in actually trying to play this type of game.
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It'd be very interseting
Still you should be considering your position preflop. However now what really matter is how many opponents left behind you. I think the game should be played pretty similar, late position vs BB I think. Limping may be more viable strategy if you're holding BB yourself, but not sure about that.
I think while opening or 3bet range would change much from normal setting but you
villain : SB,BU. Hero: BB, HJ
villain and hero can always check with their blinds,
hero as a HJ can 'buy' position by min betting on HJ with any hand
villain as a SB can 'rebuy' position by calling BU and min raising SB.
As you should invest quite much to gain positional advantage, It won't generally used I think? but if somehow multiway 3bet pot is made then it'd be very useful tactic
preflop postflop blocker will heavily influence your decision. You'll open QTo early if you're folding few weak A,K as you'll have nice flops more often. You'll be only bluff catching when your mucked six holdings are decently blocking his value hands.
As 2, it's better to have hand such as AJo + KQo, we're getting value from our top pairs against single opponent. while as 1, it's better to have traditional good multiway hands such as pocket pairs and suited connectors.
It's actually very interesting and sounds fun
The strategy must change depending on how much app is willing to catch collusions(if they are at least trying, you may avoid using button minbet strategy postflop). And also how much collusion is prevalent on the scene(if still decent amount time you're playing against random individual opponents, strategy need a change). I don't think I'll play game myself ATM but I'd like to join the fun, PM me if you'd like to discuss strategy and stuff.
I am not sure I understand number 3 HJ can buy position sb can rebuy position? Can u explain this? The thing is the way that the 4 seats wud sit is somewhat random so assuming u get every other seat then position is almost totally unimportant because should someone 3b your ep open u can squeeze them to no end from seats that act after the 3ber.
I actually didn't fully understand your comment.
But I'll just try to explain what I thought as best I can.
About buying position it's that if pot goes 4way+, you don't have to bet early at all as you can reopen the action later and act later after opponent reacts. Assume postflop players 1 is occupying (SB,BU) / player 2 is occupying (BB, CO). player 1 will generally not lead SB because you can first get information from how BB, CO plays and if player1 wanted to bet SB then he can just open the action for SB from BU by min betting. Meanwhile, instead of making conventional bettings, players 2 can choose to always check with BB, and min bet with HJ. By doing that player 2 is buying 'positional advantage'. Player2 forces player 1 to act BU and SB before player 2 can choose how to play his BB and HJ(if you want to bet with HJ then BB can min raise). So basically it seemed like player 2 had positional disadvantage(since BU is last actor), but by min betting at HJ, player 2 could hide his hand strength and force palyer1 to reveal their hand strength first.
In real poker setting, this strategy can be quite costly as min bet is not too small, around 10% pot on just open call call call pot. However hypothetically if infinitely small bet is allowed(like betting 0.000000001) then I think each player's strategy'd be trying forever to act last and just game won't work maybe. Think about it. SB checks, BB checks, HJ bets 0.0000001, saying "you bet first honey", BU calls, SB raises to 0.0000002, "No YOU bet first or give up", BB calls, HJ re-raises to 0.0000003(calling is giving up betting and deciding to stay in positional disadvantage since if HJ called player 1 will have the power to either re-open or end the flop action), BU calls, SB re-raises to 0.0000004..... and they'll do it forever. Maybe in such game nash equilibrium(GTO) won't even exist even though I'm not 100% sure(in NLHE heads up existence of GTO strategy is guaranteed because of finite possible actions, I think GTO strategy will just around same evn if betsizing is allowed to be very small as in normal NLHE there's no merit for just re-opening action. However in this octopus poker i believe it's possible that GTO strategy won't exist(if small bet is allowed))
BTW i have no idea what i said inbetween number 2 and 3.
"I think while opening or 3bet range would change much from normal setting but you"
just ignore it
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