Tough Turn Spot

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Tough Turn Spot


Hero ~$1000
Villian ~$450
UTG ~$350

Read on Villian:Solid TAG player. Was only 3-betting AQo+ and JJ+ at that point. When he hit his hand though he was willing to go with it.

UTG opens to $15. Villian in UTG+2 3-bets to $35. Hero in BB dealt Jd10d. I complete in the BB. UTG calls so three ways to a flop. (Pot ~$110)

Flop: 8d Qd Jc

I check. UTG checks. Villian c-bets $85. I call and UTG calls as well.(~$365 now in pot)

Turn: 8d Qd Jc Ah

I check. UTG checks. Villian shoves for the rest of his stack ($305). I go into the tank.

My thoughts at the time were as follows:

-He probably just spiked his ace, which means my jack is without a doubt not good anymore (it could've been good on the flop against AK)

-The ace does give me three more outs (any K now completes my straight)

-I was worried about what UTG was calling with preflop and now on the flop. If he had a pair less than QQ, it was without a doubt not good anymore unless he had a set, and I had blockers to JJ and 1010. So it didn't make sense for him to call the flop with a pair. This made me think he had some sort of suited connectors (definitely something he'd open with) that also had blockers to my flush draw. He also had donk bet flops several times with two-pair/top-pair type hands, so that made me think connected diamonds (maybe 67 with backdoor straights) made a lot of sense here.

-At this point, I regretted not check-raising the flop. I think if I had check/raised the flop to $250 or so and taken the lead in the hand, I maybe get him off of one pair hands and AK (unless their both diamonds) and almost definitely get UTG to fold. And if he calls my equity has to be decent.

I folded. UTG folded, and Villian collects. Not sure if fold was the right move or not but I did run his exact holding (he showed) through equilab, so I have the percentages. At the end of the day I only lost $110 on the hand, so I cannot be too upset. But I'm not sure I was getting the right odds on the turn bet. I'm going to wait to reveal his exact holding until I get some insight.


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BigFiszh 7 years, 2 months ago

I don't understand your line at all. Why do you cold-call a 3-bet oop w/o closing the action?! What if UTG had come over the top? 6bb just smoked? Even if the flop goes 3-way you're far from having a worthy stand (as one can see here clearly).

x/r the flop is completely senseless, you'd just make your life easier - no strategic value in it.

On the turn - most likely you have eight outs - at max!! Villain could block a K, he could have AT (for you hoping to split), so what are you thinking about? Don't get it, nothing "tough" about it. Fold and regret preflop. :)


mjouzas89 7 years, 1 month ago

I have a lot of questions for you - mostly from wanting to learn though and not because I don't agree with your line of thought...

I don't think he 3-bets AT, even suited and even against that opponent. My range for him was fairly accurate that day.

1) Would you have cold 4-bet preflop or folded, then? And why? Seemed like a good hand to hit a lot of flops hard with in a 3-bet pot that will have some $$ in it... If V2 4 bets I can safely get out of harms way for only $35. 6BB smoked to win a lot more (implied odds) seems worth it, right?

2) Where'd you get eight outs from?

I counted 17 raw outs to make my hand a winner:

KKK - 999 - JJ - (didn't even include the 10's because of AK being likely here)

The following diamonds are left: 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,K,A

Should be 17, right? That's roughly 36% equity on the flop, right?

3) Check shoving the flop seemed like a strong move - it would put his stack at risk (Would've been $305 bet into $195 pot, essentially), and unless he had flopped a set of QQ's, he's probably drawing almost dead to a lot of hands that are out there (Only one combo of JJ left). So 2 combos of QQ, and one combo of AK (diamonds) are going to be able to continue after a check raise, and that's about it. Most of the rest of his range would have to fold to that, right? And if he continues with something less than that (AKo, AQo, AJo, even AA or KK), then I'm in really good shape moving forward (better than a coin flip against most).

4) Calling $305 into $670 is roughly a little better than 2:1, so folding the turn made sense as with one card left, I'm not generally in the business of calling from behind a whole lot there. Especially as there's no money left to get paid from if I do hit my hand on the river... Do you agree here or not?

5) I really wasn't worried about V2 for reasons I mentioned earlier.

Mark Lewandowski 7 years, 1 month ago

I don't mind pre-flop call depending on utg tendencies pre (if he calls 3-bets often vs 4-bet or fold for ex). I probably would prefer check-raise flop. You have so much equity and it would really put villians in tough spot, even if they do hit the ace. Having the jack also means you're blocking the nuts

StreetSpirit 7 years, 1 month ago

Preflop: Fold. You have 30.63% vs AQ+,JJ+ and UTG left to act. I'd never coldcall a 3bet here.

Flop: Check-raise get it in. You have 57.32% vs a cbet range of JJ+,AQo,AdKh,AdKs,AdKc,AhKd,AsKd,AcKd.

John Mike 7 years ago

3bet seems to small to me 35$, dont know if is the standart from this player but doesnt look so good in 2/5 game, so ii only see 2 option pf 4bet or fold, never cold call when u still have the UTG to act, dont seem the best spot to cold call!

Once u call i only see one option on the flop c/r, if u face a shove just call u have plenty of EQ. if someone call flop easy shove turn.

evantom34 6 years, 10 months ago

This scenario is all player dependant. What are your reads on these players? will UTG only 4b AA/KK? What are Villain's tendencies? does 3b for value to this size?
IF I did call, the flop is a mandatory x/R, since you have so much equity.
If you want to call to price yourself into hitting a flush, you can lead jam the river as well. Maximize fold equity, KQ, KK, Q10, will all fold in this spot

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