Tough 5-bet spot vs unpredictable LAG business guy

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Tough 5-bet spot vs unpredictable LAG business guy

Pretty deep stacked 2/5 NLH Live Game

Hero UTG 1,8K
Villain MP 2K

Hero opens to 20, villain 3-bets to 60, CO(weaker Reg 1,5K) flats, SB(old Lady 400-600) flats as well, Hero 4-bets to 240, villain 5-bets to 580, other Players fold.
Action back to Hero: With the Lady in the small blind beeing relatively short and villain not folding too much there, I will not have a 4-bet bluffing range here. Which means my 4-bet range is exactly AK, QQ+

So what do you guys think is the best approach vs his 5-bet? IMO there a two reasonable options:

1: flatting all hands - alltough SPR on flop is going to be around 1, I still feel like this Player type is going to make some costly mistakes….
2: 6-bet jam KK+ and AKs, folding QQ and AKo

...any other ideas on that spot are highly appreciated


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ouch787 6 years, 9 months ago

Ok forgive me if I a, missing something obvious here but what is your holding? Or does it not matter? I mean if that is the exercise your holding are very important since if you have AK then chances he has AA or KK go down quite a bit. I would have to disagree w you when you say you don’t have a 4b bluffing range, unless this is your 1st 4b vs villain. 2nd I am never a fan of 4b AQunless you are confident villain is 3bing light. You mention that he is an unpredictable lag business guy. So I guess unless you have QQ+ I’m never jamming I think with 99 TT JJ AQ I’m flatting and seeing a flop everything above that I’m jamming.

JACKraceLUKE 6 years, 9 months ago

first of all thanks for your reply.
I have AK, QQ+ (the exact holding doesn't really matter).....the only question is how to continue with that exact range.
88-JJ,AQ and many more hands I would obv flat.
As far as my 4-betting range goes, you can't really disagree with me because thats just what I would do in that exact spot ;-)…..only 4-betting value Ak,QQ+

Flopstarr 6 years, 9 months ago

I think flatting w your whole range vs this player type is the play. He can show up with some random hands I'd assume, and we want to keep those in his range. If you jam you just isolate yourself against the top of his range.

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