Top2 facing turnbet on draw-heavy board
Posted by Elmar939
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Low Stakes
Top2 facing turnbet on draw-heavy board
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BB: $32.51
UTG: $35.69
MP: $19.27
CO: $26.44 (Hero)
BN: $28.09
SB: $19.43
UTG: $35.69
MP: $19.27
CO: $26.44 (Hero)
BN: $28.09
SB: $19.43
Villain just sat down at the table, so no reads/stats. However, he is playing on a mobile device and not fully stacked so most likely he isn't a great player.
Hero is CO with
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So what to do on this turn? I wasn't sure if raising/shoving or calling was the best option. Obviously there are a ton of rivercards that are horrible for us and great for villains range. But don't see that many hands call a shove. So what's the best play here?
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I think I would raise, his turn sizing looks pretty weak and we are only beat by KT (and not sure he donks that so big OTF) and 66. His sizing looks like a single A or A6/AJ type hands that don't like the turn, maybe some KQss type hand that want to see a cheap river.
About sizing, I think shoving is ok against a fish even if it's a bit big, you can also raise to 8 and shove blank river but if something like the Tc or Ks hits we can't shove and if he shoves we are in a bad spot. Against a fish I would probably just shove like a monkey, not a huge fan of it but he might still call with Ax or KQss type hands and stacks are pretty bad for non all-in raise imo
I would just jam and expect to get called by worse a lot.
Yes, easy jam.
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