top 2 pairs in 3 bet pots
Posted by gaudthegreat
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top 2 pairs in 3 bet pots
UTG: $8.62
CO: $6.00
BN: $6.06 (Hero)
SB: $9.93
villain is 50/39 after 18 hands /1.0 agg / 100% fold to 3 bet so far (2/2)
on the flop, i decided to check back cause its a board that hit my range very hard and i feel like i have the nuts here most of the time. hes gonna have lots of pocket pairs and KQ KJ AQ AJ stuff like that... since board is RB there is no FD so i dont see any point in betting.
on the turn when he donks i decided to just call to keep his range as wide as possible and induce some bluff on river
on the river, he bet like i predicted but now my option is between calling and raising. what is the merit of raising here vs calling. i decided to call cause i didnt feel like i would get clal by worst hand while playing but after reviewing i feel like i getting maybe call by Ax or any A5 A4 A3
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strange vs fish to check flop but nevertheless have some merits. Blocking his calling range.
Turn have to raise( for value vs his draws and 54,44 anything which he click call), river too
Bet flop you also bluff cbet it. Build pot vs Ax Kx , QJ and TJ may continue as well
Yes bet flop absolutely, there are so many worse hands that still are more than happy to call on this flop. He raised pre and called reraise. He hits this flop with basically anything else than pocket pairs. And you want value from hands like QJ. BUT he will rarely bluff or bet on this board, if you want value from KQ you need to bet
I think you need to be more concerned about how many worse hands could call on a board like this than if he hit it this exact time. He folds? Too bad so sad. You need to try to build the pot and stack him. Look his two bets are basically not more than a large flop bet.
you have a good point about pot building. I think i have to bet especially vs this type of players looks fishy as fuck
I wouldnt mind checking the flop sometines with a smaller SPR, but 120bbs deep not betting is a huge mistake. Your explanation on why you decided to check back makes no sense at all, the stronger the hand the more we wanna be betting it usually. You have to raise river vs this sizing imo. I find it hard to put him on better hands with this sizing, and your hand is simply good enough for a raise on this board with thia line
yes sounds right thanks man
I take a totally different line to yours.
For how you played it 3beteo the turn because it opened color projects also we called the 3bet I put it in a wide range.
We accept those bet sizes that he does not convince me.
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