Too thin of a shove? 50 NL HU
Posted by FRABB
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Low Stakes
Too thin of a shove? 50 NL HU
100 BB deep, unknown guy sits me.
Villain raises from btn 3x I 3bet with AKo slightly bigger then 3x his raise and he calls. Flop comes 3cThJs I cbet 1/2 pot he calls turn comes 6h I bet 60% of pot he calls river comes Kh and I shove.
Is it better to check call or even check fold to a shove here then to shove myself? I feel lost in spots like these.
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Yeah you can't shove that at all, all your hands have now gotten there.. I would be check folding this at 10nl vs unknown.
what are you shoving if you're not shoving AK there?
I think the fact that he sat you makes me want to ship river for value. If you think hes a stationy fish this could be ok. If hes not terrible, then c/f or c/c is best. If hes realllly float c/c is fine, but otherwise c/f. This river hits his range pretty well, everything either gains showdown value, and readless I woudnt assume he will turn mid pair into a bluff.
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