too ambitious shove OTT?

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too ambitious shove OTT?

Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players) BN: $1.05
SB: $6.88 (Hero)
BB: $2.00
UTG: $2.02
MP: $2.03
CO: $2.06
Preflop ($0.03) Hero is SB with T Q
4 folds, Hero raises to $0.06, BB raises to $0.18, Hero calls $0.12
Flop ($0.36) 7 J 6
Hero checks, BB bets $0.16, Hero raises to $0.50, BB calls $0.34
Turn ($1.36) 7 J 6 K
Hero bets $6.20 and is all in, BB calls $1.32 and is all in
River ($8.88) 7 J 6 K T
Final Pot SB lost and shows a pair of Tens.
BB wins and shows a pair of Aces.
BB wins $3.86
Rake is $0.14

I've been tring to implement the advice as given in the thread I opened previously:

I've been opening wider and 3b-eting more. It seems to be more profitable, so thanks! Today's session was 26,9/21/7,5. Agression still only 1,84.

Villain is unknown.

I called a 3b here in SB because I assumed his range would be very wide. It still probably crushes my QTs so it's a speculative call.

OTF I 3b to get him off his air and smaller pockets than JJ, as I like to 3b draws. Not sure how well this works in 3b pots where ranges are much stronger. He also bet less than half pot which I took to imply weakness.

When he calls the flop, he has AJ minimum, overpairs, and possibly a spade draw (AKs seems the only realistic one, so my shove becomes worse). Sets would shove I assume.

OTT I shoved since I picked up equity and the K seemed like a nice scare card. He should not have a K here, except possibly AKspades, and QQ/AJ/spades without K should fold.


Ps. OTT I have 30% equity against an overpair. How can I calculate the fold frequency required to make it a breakeven shove? Even against aces, I assume there should be some fold equity since he should be scared of me having JJJ or a speculative smaller set that got lucky (which I'm repping).

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