TJss oop 150bb deep vs reg
Posted by Ben Johnson
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Ben Johnson
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Low Stakes
TJss oop 150bb deep vs reg
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (9 Players)
BN: $199.88
SB: $147.62 (Hero)
BB: $119.49
UTG: $50.75
UTG+1: $70.23
MP: $97.08
MP+1: $50.50
MP+2: $70.14
CO: $42.25
SB: $147.62 (Hero)
BB: $119.49
UTG: $50.75
UTG+1: $70.23
MP: $97.08
MP+1: $50.50
MP+2: $70.14
CO: $42.25
Hero is SB with
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Preflop for me is a standard 3bet, once I get 4 bet I think this is a good hand to flat with
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I could raise here, but flatting shows a lot of strength if showing agression on later street
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I think my raise shows a lot of strength here, thoughts?
Final Pot
lost and shows high card Ace.
MP+2 wins and shows three of a kind, Queens.
MP+2 wins $138.28
Rake is $2.50
MP+2 wins and shows three of a kind, Queens.
MP+2 wins $138.28
Rake is $2.50
Overall thoughts on the hand? Folding pre is better maybe?
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extremely spewy pre more spew post. villain is never folding . if u expect to make him fold KK AA in a 4 bet pot ott that's wishfull thinking. Villain 4bet u pre and has bet flop and turn and is beating a few draws u might have in ur range if u ever 3bet bluff pre.
extremely spewy pre 150 bb deep, the 3 bet or the flat to 4bet? Please do expand on that
you dont want to reason everything with what looks strong. preflop is not rly spewy versus most opponents who arent nits. on flop, check call. you have KQ QJ AQ in this spot, probbly as well as 99 and 77. so your fairly protected in flatting. You cud develop raising range but any raise commits you to a jam, so id prefer to just call with most of ur range. on the turn, you probably just have to fold. you will have higher equity draws to call with (:Kjhh JThh AJhh AThh KThh ) and u have strong hands in ur range so ur not getting run over. you really arent gunna be folding that often here at all, so dont worry. only TT might fold also if u 3b/call that pre.
I don't think you have fold equity in any point of the hand, so raising is out of the question. Could x/c again OTT because of his sizing but I think it makes your range really obvious, so I would probably fold the turn. I think it's worth a note on him that he decided to bet on the small side with a set in such a draw heavy board
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