TJs IP facing donk bet with overcards

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TJs IP facing donk bet with overcards


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RaoulFlush 2 years, 3 months ago

I guess vs 50% im already folding flop honestly. Although it might be close.
But i really dont understand your call OTT actually. Whats your thought here?
6 non flushing outs vs a range that somewhat hits this board decently: all sets, 57s, 68s, 46s and - as we see - a bunch of TP…
Seems way too thin to me. And if we are floating, i guess a bluff OTR is mandatory.

JonathanPla 2 years, 3 months ago

What do you mean you're folding flop against 50%?
I think folding JTs preflop too tight.
I was surpised by the donk OTF but with 2 overcards I think its fine to call.
The turn is the reason why I posted as I was lost. I called again because of the 2 overcards, but you're right, the turn is better for villain's range.
What size bet would you use to bluff the river?

RaoulFlush 2 years, 3 months ago

Floating against donks is somewhat related to the donksizing in theory (and practice mostly i guess). So a donk of 50% pot or even bigger represent a more polar range rather than 1/3 or so.
But i agree; flop call should be fine.
River sizing is a good question. We are at a nuts disadvantage a bit, so i would not overbet.
But as our overpairs went up in value du to the board pairing, i guess 2/3-pot might be Standard

HawksWin 2 years, 3 months ago

Make sure you note this guy up in PT4, tons of information here.

-56bb (playing short), did he buy in short? did he get hammered in a pot a few hands before and didn't reload? Now you see him at a table with 220bb and you know he has bought in short in the past, how did he get 220bb? I want to sit with this guy whenever possible.
-Flatting A6s SB. How often does he 3b? This hand should be in a High % 3 bettors range.
-Donk bets 1/2 pot TP/TK+ BDFD on 642r (I would never miss a c bet vs this guy IP when he checks, he is likely going to be unbalanced and have an unprotected checking range here).
-He donk bet a medium strength hand into our range which has all sets and all over pairs so how do we attack him aggressively in the future when he donks? How do we call down vs his donks?
-Sizes down close to 1/3 pot on middling over card T where he gains equity and this is a card that basically never helps you. Why is he sizing down here?
-Bet/Bet/Check river in a spot where he should probably be value betting. Passivity leaks??? I guess it's kind of close. You will have 55/33/A5/A3/76/65 which some of these combos call and some fold, some might even bluff raise due to blockers. Does he ever have 75s in this line?
-Is he checking river to induce bluffs or is he simply playing his hand strength.

As played flop is fine. BDFD and 2 good overs. I like this combos better than something with an A since our turned pairs are safer. However, I would continue on 8d and fold the other 8's. Same thing with 9d/7d/5d/3d/etc. Call when we pick up equity and fold the other turns. This is probably a mandatory bluff on river but we don't really have much value that gets to the river like this (we never really have an 8, we never have 75, we likely raise the donk bet on either flop or turn with the over pair region of our range.

Here I would call flop and fold turn.

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