TJs in 3b pot we miss flop - 2$4$
Posted by Kynot
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Mid Stakes
TJs in 3b pot we miss flop - 2$4$
Blinds: $2.00/$4.00 (6 Players)
CO: $438.82 (Hero)
BN: $413.30
SB: $476.50
BB: $400.00
UTG: $365.38
MP: $613.00
BN: $413.30
SB: $476.50
BB: $400.00
UTG: $365.38
MP: $613.00
Villain usually only sits 1$2$ to 3$6$ HU tables and quits when good players play him. However I saw him battle a good reg once or twice at 2$4$ HU. He was pretty active now at 6m playing 35 vpip 25 pfr over 45 hands.
Hero is CO with
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I felt like a small bet with our whole betting range would give a discount to our bluffs since he can't really check-raise because of his range disadvantage on this board.
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No idea if this is a bet or not ?? Was just experimenting with small sizings lol. Thoughts?
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I think a larger sizing is way better for the turn. An overbet would be appropriate as you have all the sets in your range, but your opponent shouldn't have any of them (assumption is he would check-raise them or bet them on the flop). And my understanding is when you have such a significant range advantage you should bet larger. Also, exploitatively an overbet would probably get a typical reg off of an overpair, while a small bet won't.
Kinda like the idea to put pressure with an exploitative overbet (I had him labeled as a weak reg). We still need to rep something even if we're mostly doing it as bluff though no?
I might be wrong, but good Villain should be aware that he has huge range disadvantage here and he might check all his range on the flop and call you down with 2ond pairs+ (depends how agressive you are). So I think here is not so many Fold Equity to bet on the turn and taking a free card is better here.
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