Thoughts on river fold / Bet sizing ??? help
Posted by eggsnmaple
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Low Stakes
Thoughts on river fold / Bet sizing ??? help
SB: $2.24
BB: $2.40 (Hero)
UTG: $3.83
MP: $2.83
CO: $2.81
Rake is $0.07
Okay, so i found myself in a weird spot.
Pretty standard to 3bet for value with AA, although sometimes I will flat, more often than not I will elect to 3bet.
What i first suspected is villian was calling down with a hand like AJ AQ, although thats probably more than unlikely as I block his AK AQ AJ combos, although not impossible. On flop im concerned he's got something like QJs, QQ JJ, as the turn hits im more convinced my hand is no longer in good shape as all of his JK type hands get there as well. My small bet on the river was probably pointless although I guess you could call it a blocker bet. Can someone with more insights into this spot elaborate on the play and maybe give me some perspective I may have missed, please and thankyou in advance.
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