this ok?
Posted by David Jimenez
Posted by
David Jimenez
posted in
Low Stakes
this ok?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $12.03
SB: $10.57
BB: $10.34 (Hero)
UTG: $12.36
MP: $10.17
CO: $11.01
SB: $10.57
BB: $10.34 (Hero)
UTG: $12.36
MP: $10.17
CO: $11.01
Hero is BB with
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I first thought about calling... but then I thought I had overcards + gutshot + backdoor FD. What I'm thinking now is that I 3bet 99/TT BB vs BN so I don't have all the sets in my range... Anyways is it better to have this one in calling range or isn't it such a big diff to x/r?
In retrospective this card is a blank for him so he'd call mostly everything he called flop with... So maybe giving it up right here is better... In play I guess I wasn't thinking what could I make him fold... I was just thinking and keeping up with the pressure
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Final Pot
BN wins $6.24
Rake is $0.29
Rake is $0.29
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The river is closer to a call than the turn is to actually be a bet. The turn is just really bad to bluff on a double flush board when our value range is full houses only. Not saying rvr is a call but I honestly would rather see you hero the river than bet the turn.
I like the idea OTF, a lot of cards that you can continue will come OTT, but came on of the worst so I would give up most of the time
Flop is fine, just don't overdo it.
Turn is terrible barrel card. Actually I think your hand is one of the better ones (of your bluf range OTF) to triple barrel, were you to double barrel (which I wouldnt advies to do almost ever).
As played, I think you should call river.
noone 3bettin pre ??
Its not terrible (in that it is -EV), but just doesn't accomplishes a lot. You won't extract THAT much value when you hit, whereas if you call you can extract quite some money on boards you hit, because you dominate more hands. This, plus KJo strengthens the callingrange, where that is useful, while the 3bettingrange doesn't really need to be strengthened by adding KJo. Even with KQo I like mixing it up, calling slightly more often than 3betting.
what he said, mine's 99+, AJs+, KQs, KdJd, KhJh, QdJd, QhJh, AdTd, AhTh, KdTd, KhTh, QdTd, QhTh, JdTd, JhTh, Td9d, Th9h, 9d8d, 8d7d, Td6d, 9d6d, 8d6d, 7d6d, Ad5d, 7d5d, 6d5d, 6d4d, 5d4d, AQo+
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