Theory: Value Checking?
Posted by DirtyD
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Mid Stakes
Theory: Value Checking?
On the flop as pre-flop raiser out of position, if opponent's [bet when checked to] > [1 - fold to cbet], then checking is a more effective way of putting money in the pot than betting. In fact, the above is true of many regs. For example, it's not uncommon to see someone with a fold to cbet of 45 and bet when checked to of 70. Against that player we win a bet by checking 70% of the time, compared to only 55% of the time by betting. In a vacuum we're more likely to get a bet by checking our strong hands than by betting them.
Okay, there are some issues associated with this. If we bet there's a chance they raise, allowing us to get even more money in the pot. Then again, if we check and they bet, we can check-raise.
Frequently checking strong hands means we can't bluff as much while staying balanced. If we cbet all our air and check all our value, obviously that's incredibly exploitable. We could adopt a strategy of checking most or all of our range, but we may not want to shackle ourselves to a passive strategy.
Nonetheless, given how stabby most players are these days, it seems like there's an opportunity in developing a checking strategy oop. What's your "standard" check-raising and check-calling strategy? Which type of hands on which textures? What stats/tendencies do you need to see to deviate?
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The problem is that their turn and river frequencies become near total guesswork. We generally start giving up value vs the middle of their range when they check back either turn or river.
I think checking some decent hands on the flop as the PFR is valuable, but more as a balancing play than as our standard line.
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