Theory Question about Headsup vs more than 30% 3bet and postflop: bet/bet/shove

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Theory Question about Headsup vs more than 30% 3bet and postflop: bet/bet/shove

I played recently a maniac or recreational or tilting Regular(he wasnt a real bum). I am not sure, but he wasn't balanced and his ranges where easy to figuring out. I am very new to Headsup and try to improving. I won "easy" 3 stacks then he left.
I just wanted to be sure if my approach went into the right direction, because I try especially to avoid maniacs or extrem aggressive players:
1) his 3bet was about 30 or more -> I adjusted:
a) opening less hands
b) calling 3bets with lower cards(gappers, suited connectors, basically all hands which I can shove on a good flop easily as draws)
c) folding easy dominated hands Kx, Qx, Jx ..
d) postflop his line seemed pretty to be in 3bet pots : bet / bet / shove -> So I started to call only with made hands, and shove with draws
2) When I 3bettet
a) he called cbet flop and turn , or floated. 5 of 5 times - so ajdusted: I stopped cbetting with Air and only cbettet with made hands

Was this okay or do you have any other thoughts.


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