The first tool that allows to simplify, compare side by side, and as a result really understand GTO or node locked solver strategies
Posted by grand_ua
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High Stakes
The first tool that allows to simplify, compare side by side, and as a result really understand GTO or node locked solver strategies
I have created the first tool that allows to simplify, compare side by side, and as a result really understand GTO (or node locked solver strategies) by starting analysis from simplified top levels like categories of hands, flops, runouts and bet sizes and drilling down to more specific levels and individual cards.
It is the only tool that allows to compare side by side GTO frequencies and bet sizing across multiple flop textures and any other combination of factors of your choice.
Any kind of analysis should be possible, and any kind of solver data can be loaded potentially.
My next goals are to gage interest, find partners and understand how to make money, as well as guide adding new features by chatting with smart people and figuring out what kind of things and tricks are the most important to pick up from GTO, and what kind of GTO analysis is too difficult or impossible currently (balancing bluffs on all 3 streets comes to my mind here as one example).
Below you can see some screenshots with annotations. The screenshot data is from a modified HU GTO scenario with flop donk bet line removed and 100% flop cbet for 1/3 pot for in position player. Unique features are circled in yellow:
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Looks interesting.
Can you come up with practical and interesting questions about GTO that would be hard to answer using solvers by chance?
-I do not know how to market this thing yet, so I am looking for good ideas.
I myself know a lot of questions that would take days to answer using solvers, but I do not know which of those questions are practical and interesting to good players.
For me it was revealing to learn that on turn GTO does not bluff some constant percentage as the bet size and the bluff to value formula would dictate. Turn bluff percentage changes wildly based on factors such as a number of river cards that are good for us and for villain, our nut and range advantage or disadvantage. This fact alone makes it impossible for humans to replicate GTO bluffing frequencies.
I feel that I am starting to figure out how to approach learning and memorizing GTO, and the right kind of questions for this process. These are the questions that I came up with for the start:
And I will follow with answers and more questions later on.
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