Teunuss Turn bet
Posted by FIVEbetbLUFF
Posted by FIVEbetbLUFF posted in High Stakes
Teunuss Turn bet
In Teunuss recent vid (Spin the random number generator part 1), I asked Teunuss about a turn bet size in a 4bet pot he played.
He opened the button to $12.50 with AA, Ospla888 3bet to $37, and Teunuss 4bet to $92. Ospla888 flats (They had $650 to start the hand).
Flop Q44ss ($184), Ospla888 checks, tuenuss bets $51, Ospla calls. (I assume tuenuss bets range here, including TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA,AK and then some A5-A2s, A9o, KTo and some maybe T7s,K8s,J6s, 98o type hands (top of his folding range to the 3b)).
Turn 7d ($286), Oslpla888 checks, Teunuss bets $107. Here is the interesting part. He bets a 1/3rd pot type sizing, yet is definitely polar (as he confirmed). He will mostly be betting KK+ and then A4s/K4s at the fraction weight that he will have that in this 4b pot ( and he doesn't 4b AQ, tho that wud be an obvious vbet here too). His sizing implies he is vbetting hands like TT, but it does not make sense to do that here as it won't beat half his calling range. It makes sense to bet small on this non-threatening board and set it up to jam river, but is there a fundamental flaw in betting this small sizing with a very polar range?
Its purely due to the SPR as if they were deeper, he would bet bigger to shove river with his strong range advantage on this board, but I'm curious if this sizing here is okay. I naturally would bet this size too, but was thinking about if it fundamentally made sense to do it this way. The river he can jam $400 into 500, so works out nice.
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