Terrible redline, bluffing, being called and 4 hands from nl10

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Terrible redline, bluffing, being called and 4 hands from nl10

So I decided to play micros again and this time I decided to play more aggresive and bluff more. Before I played more of an abc poker. Before I had a terrible redline and now it's the same thing despite being way more aggresive. Now the thing is that in my mind it seems like I'm playing well (I have 1bb winrate over a 50k hands), it's not a big sample, I know. The thing is that my redline is going straight down, literally. I have sessions that I win a lot of hands without showdown and I'm like 'the redline should be good after this session', then I look at the graph and redline looks like shit again.

A lot of times when I try to bluff I run into top range or some ridiculous hand out of nowhere and I can't do anything BUT WHEN I have actually a hand, they find folds, even when I unblock the board when I have a bottom set for example. I'm tilted af because of this because I'm trying to play more aggresive and it's like people can see through my cards. People be calling me down with absolute garabage when I'm bluffing but when I'm value betting, they somehow fold. I can post my stats if someone would like to see.

I will post 4 hands that I played today in a session. In my mind I played those hands well:

Hand 1:

Here I decided to 3-bet with A5o and villain calls. (I don't always 3 bet those kind of hands). Villain checks and I c-bet small on this flop mostly because of me having an Ac, villain calls. On the turn villain checks and I decided to double barrel on a 2c. It doesn't change much for villain but it helps me a lot because now I can rep a flush but of course villain shoves and I have to fold.

Hand 2:

I 3 bet from SB vs UTG RFI and villain calls. I c-bet 1/3, villain calls.Turn comes 2h and it's an easy double barrel with AK, especialy with As plus we block a lot of his strong Qx but no, villain decided 3bet me on the turn and I have to fold.

Hand 3:

Here I 3-bet from BB vs UTG RFI, villain calls. I decided to c-bet with 60% and villain shoves and again, I have to fold.

Hand 4:

Villain opens from SB, I 3 bet with AJss, villain calls. Villain checks and I decided to c-bet small and get called. On the turn villain checks and I decided to double barrel for around 75. Villain shoves and we have to fold. Now, I don't know about this hand because I didn't study a lot of BvB 3b spots so I'm not sure about this hand.

Any advice or review would be appreciated.


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RaoulFlush 2 years, 4 months ago

I think you are taking things too far here.
First of all: dont care about your redline at the micros. Your money will come from players playing weak ranges and paying you off with worse hands mostly.
The hands you post make me think that you dont take positions into account enough making your decisions.
Lets take a look:
1) seems ok to me given the whide ranges. Keep in mind that we have a disadvantage in 88/99 and maybe even 2x. But still ok
2) we have a decent disadvantage in Qx-combos here and have 2 FD on the board. So we need to be careful which bluffs we choose.
Also got to keep in mind that you 3bet vs UTG and face a pretty strong range. So imo AK is not a great choice to bluff even with As.
H3) : villain has 88-QQ in his range, but shouldn’t have 2p. And given the backdoorequity and AQ beeing fairly low in our range, i guees mixing X and bet OTF is ok. But if we bet we need to move on fairly careful: folding to a raise or give up turns.
H4) this one looks close…AJ has some SDV i guess in these postions. We block some folds with Jx, but we also block TP decently. So i guess a mix of checks and bets is fine. But i wouldnt triple off here.
So overall we might take a closer look at the ranges we are playing against and think about our range and possible bluffs to choose from to not overbluff spots that players could be aware off that they are overbluffed. But otherwise i would say that you didnt punt here :)

rosaaa 2 years, 4 months ago

Hand 1:
When I look at the solver, solver wants to bet most of the time on the turn with Ac, sometimes check. It's pretty clear why we want to bet most of the time on the turn.

Hand 2:
Same, solver wants to bet almost 80% of the time on the turn due to blocking a lot of his strong Qx like AQ, KQ + we have a spade and we unblock hearts. It looks like a clear double barrel here.

Hand 3:
Now here solver bets 40% and checks 60% so basically a mix. I would basically double barrel here on hearts, on a Q, K or A and probably J but not sure about J.

Hand 4:
Solver here likes to check here almost 100% of the time, lmao. Same on the turn.

Solver says this, some people says that. Some people says to play exploitatve poker, some people say don't even bother and learn from solver. I don't even know anymore.

RaoulFlush 2 years, 4 months ago

Lets see this positive:
Your intuition about these spots seemed to be good and indeed you simply bluffed into top of range.
So you did a good job and a nice homework afterwards that even i profit from as my thoughts seemed to be off here!
Good invested time for both of us!
Gl for the next 50k hands and just keep up!

pokernemo10 2 years, 4 months ago

It seems just varience. I've played and beat Nl 10 and Nl 25 Zoom on Pokerstars in these last couple of months and it does seem like they really love to x/shove a lot on turns in 3Bpots (but when I call them, they somehow always have it). I played very aggresive in the begining and now checking back some very strong hands has paid off. It's also about the opponents you are playing against (on GG being no Hud, it's a little harder to tell, but just take notes whenever they take these lines and especially when you get to showdown).
I think you played fine and it's just varience.
I mainly study with solver as well these days, but do take a lot of exploitative lines, especially against opponents who fold too much, or start being very agg vs checks.

HawksWin 2 years, 4 months ago

Hand #1-Not a fan of the 3b pre. This is a mix vs a GTO SB RFI range (@43% of hands). In reality, these pools are raising first in 30 to 35%. We 3b to generate folds. We generate less folds vs a tighter RFI range. Would simply call it pre.

Like checking turn on the board pair/flush close turn. We can't catch up vs boats and we simply don't want to bet into flushes here (getting raised off our redraw equity vs flushes sucks in this spot).

Hand #2-Stuff like KQo and some of the AQo should really be folded vs SB 3b here. I think most micro players are going to have more AQo and KQo in their range than they should. I think they will almost always have AQs and KQs here (3 combos). If we introduce more offsuit Qx here, betting AK becomes substantially worse. I can see them having 10+ combos of KQs/KQo/AQs/AQo. This spot gets nasty on K/A turns.

If I did c bet here, I would be checking turn because of the above.

Hand #3-Fine with line, could go smaller on rainbow texture.

Hand #4-I can get behind checking flop or betting flop. He has a ton of Qx in his range.

You mentioned redline concerns in your original post. In the above hands you put in 1.4 buy ins worth of chips and folded them off.

It seems as if you are forcing a bit in the pursuit of improving your redline and this is proving to be counterproductive.

If I may ask, what is your bb/100 in pots that don't go to showdown? Simply filter your entire database for 'Saw Showdown = False' and what is your bb/100?

rosaaa 2 years, 3 months ago

But villain still has AQs, KQs in his range. I'm looking at hands from solver perspective, at least triyng to.
The funny thing is that if I would post a second hand and I would check on the turn, people would say that I should have bet lmao.
It's almost -10bb/100. lol

HawksWin 2 years, 3 months ago

Think about how difficult it is to overcome the combination of losing 1 buy in per 1000 hands in non-showdown pots (same thing as -10bb/100) & 10bb+/100 rake (also 1 buy in per 1000 hands). The way we overcome this at the micro stakes is value betting them to death but unfortunately we don't make big pot value hands all that often.

So, what we end up seeing is breakeven/slightly winning win rates by players that are doing some good things. Essentially, you are beating the game soundly but losing to rake.

To get to the bottom of it, you need look at a few things:

1) Win Rate by Position in Aggregate
2) Win Rate in the Blinds (Crushers are usually in the -30 to -35bb/100 in BB and -15bb or so in the SB)
3) How often you are calling/3 betting in BB
4) How often you are calling/3 betting in SB
5) How are you doing in the bet/bet/give up line
6) How are you doing in the xc/xc and saw river line
7) How are you doing in the c bet flop/check back turn/saw river line (likely getting probe bet to death)

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