T9s 4bet pot OOP

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T9s 4bet pot OOP


Villain is a reg, 3K H, 4b range 7 agg% 38

I think that the board helps my range more than villain's, that's why i shove, i could have enough FE despite of the little equity of my hand.
Is correct play this hand in this way?
Ty :)


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PhisyFishy 10 years, 4 months ago

Im really not a fan of flatting 4bets OOP, but i guess for a good price with a playable hand its OK, although id probably still muck it pre-flop without a good read that he is especially wide here.

I would also be 3betting slightly larger, i think id make it $4.

Postflop seems bad to me. You never get called by worse (except you may be ahead of Axss, but not by much) and you never fold out better. I don't know what the shove is supposed to achieve? Do you think AK is cbetting this board? Its the only hand that i can think of that x-shove makes any kind of sense against.

Im definitely not an expert on these situations, since i almost never flat 4bets OOP, but seems like a pretty big mistake to me.

filthynines 10 years, 4 months ago

I leak a lot of money playing hands like this.

You've sort of put yourself in an equity trap on the Flop. You've called pre with the hope of hitting a flush draw, two pair or straight draw. You know that you're in trouble against a usual 4betting range if you do not hit like that. Trouble is, you're not often going to hit the Flop that hard and you're going to be OOP.

Once you've called pre I'm sort of torn as to what to do. Checking and giving up seems super weak once you've made a pair and draw. Check/calling seems as though that's going to burn further money because you absolutely can't continue unless you make your hand on the Turn. Check/shove is probably marginally the best move you can make, because you do have a little fold equity. But it really isn't much, and you've probably walked into the bottom of his range here.

I think the 3bet was mistake preflop. Flatting in the SB would have been fine here. I don't mind folding to the 4bet when we're OOP.

Click4Fun 10 years, 4 months ago

I'll call, playing 3 way, if i were IP.
Pre flop 3 bet 'cause villain folds enough and when i get called i've a hand with equity! One he 4bet with this size, i cannot fold ever!

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